The doctor said that the size of the penis in childhood has nothing to do with the future, as long as it is not lower than 2.5 standard deviations below the normal average for the same age, it is good to let the bird grow freely; the picture shows the situation.

(picture taken from freepik)

[Health Channel/Comprehensive Report] Parents always worry about their children "losing at the starting point", and also worry about whether the bird's centimeters are enough, whether it will become a "little bird". It doesn't matter too much in the future, as long as it is not below 2.5 standard deviations below the normal average for the same age, let the birds grow freely.

Gao Minghong posted on the Facebook page "Dr. Gao Minghong, Physician Gao Minghong, Sanxia Peking University Yingge Urology Department of Dayu Zhishui Enzhu Gong Hospital", that before puberty, the development of the penis is very slow and not obvious. It will start to grow up like blowing a balloon. The way to measure infants and young birds is to straighten the penis when the penis is not erect, and measure the length from the lower edge of the pubic bone to the urethral opening of the glans.

Please read on...

kids little bird 4 key figures

●The newborn is less than 1.9 cm.

●1 year old less than 2.2 cm.

●3 years old less than 2.4 cm.

●5 years old less than 2.7 cm.

Gao Minghong suggested that if the bird is really as short as the above numbers, you can seek a doctor for evaluation.

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  • penis

  • the bird

  • toddler

  • penis length

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