Zhao Mingwei reminds you to buy eggs in bulk, not wash your hands after picking them at home, not clean the eggshells before cooking, and cook the eggs undercooked. These behaviors may cause you to eat salmonella; the picture shows the situation.

(The picture is taken from photoAC)

[Health Channel/Comprehensive Report] In order to solve the egg shortage, all kinds of eggs have entered the market. In addition to boxed and bulk sales, more and more eggs are imported from local small farmers or abroad; in this regard, Toxicology Expert Zhao Mingwei reminds that chicken feces contain a lot of salmonella. If you buy eggs in bulk, you don’t wash your hands after picking them up, the shells are not cleaned before cooking, and the boiled eggs are not fully cooked. These NG behaviors may make you eat salmonella!

Associate Professor Zhao Mingwei of the Department of Biotechnology of Chung Yuan University pointed out in a Facebook fan page "Professor Zhao Mingwei Toxicology William" that if the egg shell is not cleaned, it is easy to cause salmonella poisoning.

He once ate undercooked eggs, resulting in collective food poisoning. When he was infected, he suffered from vomiting, diarrhea, chills, fever and abdominal cramps for 4 consecutive days. These symptoms improved after antibiotics were used, and he lost a total of 8 kg of dehydration. ,Very painful.

Please read on...

Chicken poop contains a lot of salmonella

Zhao Mingwei said that the intestines of chickens can easily breed "enteric-type" Salmonella, that is, chicken feces contain a large amount of Salmonella, so if the breeding environment is clean, theoretically, the eggs laid by hens should be as good as Their feces are separated so that the freshly laid eggs do not come into contact with feces containing salmonella.

However, not all farms are so advanced and clean. It is often seen that some chicken farms mix the place where the chickens are raised with the manure area, or do not clean it regularly at all. Of course, the eggs will be directly stained when they come out. Sticking to feces, the surface of the eggshell may be one of the sources of infection.

To avoid being infected by salmonella, remember to cook the eggs thoroughly, and the heating temperature must exceed 71 degrees Celsius, so that the salmonella will be completely killed; the picture shows the situation.

(The picture is taken from photoAC)

The devil hides in the details, be careful of NG behavior

Zhao Mingwei said that if you go to buy eggs in bulk, you don’t wash your hands after picking them up, the shells of the eggs are not cleaned before cooking, and the boiled eggs are not fully cooked, these NG actions may cause you to eat To Salmonella!

Zhao Mingwei emphasized that to avoid being infected by Salmonella, the most important thing is to wash your hands, followed by washing the eggs. When cooking, remember to cook the eggs, and the heating temperature should exceed 71 degrees Celsius. Salmonella will be completely killed.

"The devil hides in the details", everyone should be careful!

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  • food poisoning

  • egg

  • salmonella

  • half-cooked egg

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