To prevent gastrointestinal indigestion, Chinese medicine practitioners suggest that you should eat delicious food happily when you eat, and eat slowly for three meals. The finer the food, the lighter the burden on the stomach and the less it will hurt the stomach; the picture shows the situation.

(picture taken from freepik)

[Health Channel/Comprehensive Report] Modern people often overeating, irregular meals, drinking too much alcohol, smoking, too much stress lead to abdominal pain, stomach pain, stomach fullness, nausea, loss of appetite, diarrhea, constipation, bad breath and other gastrointestinal digestion For adverse symptoms, TCM doctor Li Junyi shared 5 daily ways to nourish the stomach: learn to relax stress, eat three meals slowly, 333 after meals, do not eat 1 hour before going to bed, keep the abdomen warm, and 3 dietary and stomach-strengthening dishes: radish shredded meat Cake, yam and millet porridge, hawthorn and white fungus sweet soup.

Li Junyi posted on the Facebook page "Not Old Chinese Medicine Physician Li Fatty Li Junyi", explaining that from the perspective of Chinese medicine, functional dyspepsia is mainly caused by congenital stagnation of diet and stagnation of food in the stomach; acquired emotional disorder, liver and stomach disharmony leading to weak spleen and stomach , the way to improve it is to treat it from the ideas of strengthening the spleen and harmonizing the stomach, eliminating food stagnation; nourishing the liver and strengthening the stomach, regulating qi and harmonizing the stomach.

Please read on...

cause of bad stomach

●Overeating: When

a large amount of food enters the stomach, the digestive system of the stomach will overrun, causing flatulence and abdominal pain; in order to digest a large amount of food, gastric acid is secreted too much, which will damage the gastric mucosa.

Traditional Chinese medicine practitioners point out that overeating will cause the digestive system of the stomach to overwork, causing flatulence and abdominal pain; in order to digest a large amount of food, gastric acid is secreted too much, which will damage the gastric mucosa; the picture shows the situation.

(picture taken from shutterstock)

●Irregular meals:

Irregular eating will make the stomach not know when to secrete gastric acid to digest food, just like a 24-hour standby job, leaving the stomach with no room to breathe.

●Drinking too much alcohol:

Alcohol will damage the gastric mucosa, and alcohol will dilate the capillaries, which will accelerate the inflammation and edema of the gastric wall, and ulcers will form in the gastric mucosa after a long time.


The nicotine in cigarettes will damage the gastric mucosa, increase gastric motility, promote gastric acid secretion, and eventually cause gastric acid reflux and gastric ulcer.


Excessive anxiety, nervousness, depression, etc. will cause autonomic nervous disorders and cause symptoms of indigestion.

5 ways to nourish the stomach every day

●"Thinking hurts the spleen". Excessive thinking will affect the function of the spleen and stomach, so learn to relax the pressure, maintain an optimistic and happy mood, and at least eat delicious food happily when eating.

●Three meals should be chewed and swallowed slowly. The finer the food, the lighter the burden on the stomach and the less it will hurt the stomach.

● "After meal 333", eat for 30 minutes, rest for 30 minutes after meal, and walk for 30 minutes.

Let the stomach digest for 30 minutes after a meal, and then take a walk slowly to contract the abdominal muscles and promote gastrointestinal motility.

●Do not eat food 1 hour before going to bed, so that the stomach can rest in sleep with us.

●Remember to keep the abdomen warm to avoid wind and cold, which may cause gastroenteritis.

Diet and Stomach

●Shredded radish meatloaf

Ingredients: white radish, lean pork, flour, appropriate amount of salt, a little green onion and garlic.

Preparation method: Shred white radish and make meat filling with lean pork. After seasoning, wrap it with flour to form a pie, and fry it in a pan. If you want to be healthier, use steamed radish meat filling, less oil and less starch.

●Yam and millet porridge

Ingredients: 100g yam, 100g millet, appropriate amount of sugar.

Preparation method: Let the millet soak in clear water for 30 minutes, boil it on a low heat for 30 minutes, then add sliced ​​yams, and cook for 15 minutes before eating. If you want to eat natural seasoning, you can add a few red dates and white fungus , increase the taste.

●Hawthorn Tremella Sweet Soup

Ingredients: 30 grams of hawthorn, 30 grams of white fungus, 20 grams of lily, 10 red dates.

Preparation method: After washing all the water, add water and boil for 5 minutes, then put the white fungus in the water and boil for 1 minute, let it cool and then eat it. If you want it sweeter, you can add a spoonful of honey.

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  • pressure

  • traditional Chinese medicine

  • stomachache

  • indigestion

  • Nourish the stomach

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