The doctor said that borborygmus is generally caused by pressure, food or air, hunger, intestinal obstruction and abnormal peristalsis, but if combined with symptoms such as weight loss, constipation, diarrhea, etc., you should seek medical attention immediately; the picture shows the situation.

(picture taken from freepik)

[Health Channel/Comprehensive Report] The stomach often growls suddenly at the wrong time, which makes people a little embarrassed.

The doctor said that this kind of gastrointestinal motility makes a sound, called "borborygmus", which is generally caused by pressure, food or air, hunger, intestinal obstruction and abnormal peristalsis. If combined with abdominal pain, poor appetite, weight loss, constipation, diarrhea , bowel habits, changes in defecation patterns, abdominal distension, etc., you should seek medical attention immediately.

Zhan Yixue, Director of the Endoscopy Department of Hexin Minquan Health Management Clinic, posted on the Facebook page "Hepatobiliary Gastroenterology Physician Zhan Yixue" that the peristalsis of the gastrointestinal tract depends on smooth muscle, which cannot be controlled by consciousness.

Bowel sounds come from the peristalsis of the gastrointestinal tract, so not all bowel sounds come from diseases.

It can be roughly divided into the following 5 reasons:

Please read on...

1. Stomach motility when hungry.

2. Peristalsis caused by food, air, and water in the stomach, such as flatulence caused by overeating and gas-producing food.

3. Irritable bowel syndrome: excessive intestinal sensitivity, abnormal intestinal peristalsis caused by food, emotion, stress and other factors.

4. Abnormal peristalsis caused by inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract.

5. Intestinal obstruction, such as intestinal adhesion caused by postoperative, intestinal obstruction caused by tumor and other reasons.

Simultaneous abdominal pain and constipation should seek medical attention immediately

When should I seek medical attention when I experience bowel sounds?

Zhan Yixue said that if borborygmus is accompanied by abdominal pain, poor appetite, weight loss, constipation, diarrhea, bowel habits, changes in defecation patterns, abdominal distension, etc., remember to seek medical attention immediately and ask the doctor to evaluate whether it is necessary to arrange an examination as soon as possible.

As for whether borborygmus can be cured, Zhan Yi said that if borborygmus is not caused by a disease, the condition can be improved through diet adjustment.

Usually borborygmus is a reaction caused by psychological pressure affecting the physiology. When the mood is in a tense atmosphere, the stomach will make sounds involuntarily. Once the tension is relieved, the symptoms will usually be relieved; Dietary habits have an absolute relationship. Usually eat less gas-producing foods and try to eat food slowly. These will also improve the frequent gastrointestinal motility.

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  • pressure

  • hunger

  • eating habits

  • gastrointestinal motility

  • bowel obstruction

  • bowel sounds

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