Vocal artist Xie Yunya was invited to participate in the spiritual healing course of "Soul Restoration Institute".

(Provided by Zongbo Museum)

[Reporter Weng Yuhuang/New Taipei Report] The Museum of World Religions in Yonghe District, New Taipei City will hold a "Soul Restoration Institute" spiritual healing workshop and staff chat room from April 1st to May 27th, inviting many creative artists Therapists and other cross-field professionals plan a limited edition exclusive healing experience, want to explore or understand what various art therapy fields or occupational therapy are doing, or want to restore a wandering and injured heart, you can find answers in the event .

"Respect every belief, tolerate every ethnic group, and love every life" is the founding philosophy of Zongmuseum Museum. Whether it is a permanent exhibition or a special exhibition, it takes "heart" as the starting point. The unique space design integrates touch, hearing, and art. , humanities, history and other connotations, it provides an educational place where you can indulge your body and mind and experience life.

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Horticultural therapist Liu Yuqing was invited to participate in the "Soul Restoration" course.

(Provided by Zongbo Museum)

Lin Zhijie, Director of the Education Promotion Group of the Zongmuseum Museum, said that the three-year epidemic has made people face up to the distance from death, and some people have faced the death of their loved ones. As a restoration site for physical and spiritual healing, museums can contribute more to the public, so a series of activities are carefully planned.

Lin Zhijie said that this "Soul Restoration Institute" is a cross-domain cooperation with professionals, launching 5 spiritual healing workshops and 2 staff chat rooms, turning the museum into a "healing salon", starting from breathing and exhaling, and opening Spiritual journey, unfolding inner self-awareness, perceiving the outside, connecting with nature, from emotional processing, stress release, to grief healing, through life resonance with the healing staff, looking forward to a small experience for the heart and soul through different experience paths Take a small trip, take a good rest, and consult the Education Promotion Team of the Zongmuseum for details.

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