The National Health Department reminds that the color of poop is a part that novice parents often overlook. Parents and caregivers can simply observe the health status of their babies through the gold nine-color card in the Children's Health Handbook.

(courtesy of the National Health Service)

[Reporter Qiu Zhirou/Taipei Report] Infant biliary atresia is the number one cause of death due to liver disease and liver replacement in children. If not treated, most of them will die before the age of 2. The National Health Department reminds parents to make good use of "baby stool identification If the jaundice persists for more than 2 weeks, a blood test should be accepted.

About 30 newborns in Taiwan have biliary atresia every year. According to the report of the International Journal of Clinical Medicine in 2022, the incidence of biliary atresia in Taiwan is about 1 to 2 per 10,000, which is 2 or 3 per 10,000 of European and American countries. times.

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The National Health Service pointed out that the cause of biliary atresia in infants is not clear, it may be caused by congenital abnormalities or infection and inflammation; symptoms of biliary atresia, in addition to feces appearing pale and gray due to lack of bile, there may also be jaundice Phenomenon.

Because the liver function of newborns is not yet fully developed, the bilirubin produced after the decomposition of red blood cells cannot be metabolized smoothly, and will accumulate in the skin and capillaries. This physiological jaundice usually disappears in 2 weeks, but some breastfed babies, because of Prolonged metabolic efficiency and longer duration of jaundice lead to biliary atresia that is easily overlooked.

The National Health Service pointed out that regardless of whether breastfeeding or not, if the jaundice persists for more than 2 weeks, children should receive jaundice screening. If they are diagnosed with biliary atresia, it is best to receive treatment within 60 days of birth to reduce the risk of cirrhosis in the future. probability.

The National Health Department reminds that the color of poop is also a part that novice parents often overlook. Parents and caregivers can simply observe the health status of their babies through the gold nine-color card in the Children's Health Handbook.

As long as the baby's stool and the gold nine-color card are compared at the same time under sunlight or white light, because the bile is yellow or green, if the bile secreted by the liver can be discharged smoothly, it will appear yellow or green after mixing with the stool That is, there are three colors numbered 7 to 9. If the color is 1 to 6, it is abnormal. If you have any questions about identifying the color of baby stool, you can call the free maternity care and consultation hotline 0800-870-870.

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  • liver disease

  • parenting

  • Biliary atresia

  • neonatal jaundice

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