Nutritionist Xue Xiaojing said that the three highs and obesity are risk factors for cardiovascular disease. If you want to stay away from the disease, you should improve your lifestyle and eating habits;

(picture taken from freepik)

[Health Channel/Comprehensive Report] As spring enters, the temperature gradually warms up, but the temperature difference between day and night is large. If you don't pay more attention, cardiovascular diseases will come to your door.

Nutritionist Xue Xiaojing said that the three highs and obesity are risk factors for cardiovascular disease. To stay away from the disease, one should improve lifestyle and eating habits. In addition to regular blood pressure measurement, the diet should be combined with a healthy diet to control sugar and exercise regularly. And keep warm to avoid myocardial infarction and stroke.

Xue Xiaojing posted on her Facebook fan page "Nutritionist Mother Xiaojing's Life Notes" that the weather is getting warmer, but the temperature difference between day and night is getting bigger and bigger, which is more dangerous for high-risk groups of cardiovascular diseases.

Risk factors for cardiovascular disease in high-risk groups include abdominal obesity, high blood pressure, high blood sugar, and high cholesterol.

Myocardial infarction and stroke can be avoided if prevented early.

She also reminded that if you have a family history of the above risk factors, you should check regularly to understand your physical condition, such as whether you suffer from high blood pressure, high blood sugar, and high cholesterol.

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Xue Xiaojing said that chronic diseases are mostly life diseases, and as long as the lifestyle and eating habits are improved, the risk of cardiovascular disease can be reduced.

She also shared the following 5 ways to protect the heart to help everyone stay away from cardiovascular diseases.

Measure blood pressure and blood sugar every day Take medicine as prescribed by the doctor

She pointed out that when the temperature difference is too large, it may cause blood vessels to constrict, triggering changes in blood pressure.

Cardiovascular disease patients, the elderly, and obese people must take measures to keep warm, so as not to increase blood pressure and induce acute diseases such as heart disease and stroke.


the temperature

Patients with high blood pressure, diabetes, and hyperlipidemia have narrower blood vessels, slower blood flow, and thicker blood. Once the temperature changes rapidly, the home is not warm enough, or people go out wearing too little clothes, it is easy to increase the risk of myocardial infarction and stroke. risk of accidental occurrence.


, if there are risk factors for the three highs, it is recommended to measure blood pressure and blood sugar every day, and follow the doctor's instructions for medication and regular follow-up visits. Do not arbitrarily stop the drug or increase or decrease the dosage, and actively manage and control the three highs.

In addition, in addition to wearing warm clothing, appropriate exercise and relaxation methods can also help reduce stress and improve cardiovascular health.

Deshu diet combined with low-sugar plate to control three highs

Xue Xiaojing appealed to adopt the DASH diet for daily maintenance, and match it with a low-sugar diet 211 plate to avoid the intake of processed foods.

The DASH diet is mainly composed of high potassium, high magnesium, high calcium, and high fiber, which improves health in an all-round way and achieves the purpose of lowering blood pressure.

A nutritionist said that the DASH diet is mainly composed of high potassium, high magnesium, high calcium, and high fiber, which improves health in an all-round way and achieves the purpose of lowering blood pressure; schematic diagram.

(picture taken from pexels)

The low-sugar 211 meal plate can ensure sufficient protein and fiber intake, and also reduce starch intake to control blood sugar and reduce fat accumulation; fruits and vegetables often contain a lot of phytochemicals, which have antioxidant and immune-boosting effects.

A study in the United States found that people who ate high-nitrate foods (from spinach soup) for 7 consecutive days had lower systolic and diastolic blood pressure 3 hours after meals than those who ate low-nitrate foods (asparagus soup), so spinach soup may be short-term Good for blood vessel health.

She also said that the body mass index (BMI) should be controlled between 18.5-24; in addition, the waist circumference should be less than 90 cm for adult men and less than 80 cm for women.



●Foods high in magnesium: dark chocolate, avocado, cashews, black beans, tofu, pumpkin seeds, whole grains, salmon, bananas, green vegetables.

●Foods high in calcium: milk, yogurt, cheese, baby fish, dried small fish, dried shrimp.

Regular exercise reduces stress

It is recommended not to go out for exercise when the temperature is low. If you want to exercise, you should fully warm up or switch to indoor exercise.

Those who are used to getting up early and exercising should not go out too early. It is recommended to wait for the temperature to rise before going out, and try to exercise together as much as possible to take care of each other.

Elders over the age of 65 are less sensitive to environmental temperature changes, so when the temperature is low, care about daily life and activities, make sure to keep warm and take enough hot food and water.

In addition, people should try to avoid going out in wet and cold weather, so as not to increase the risk of falls due to the slippery ground or the slow response of the blood circulation and neuromuscular system of the elderly.

Find a way to relax that suits you and relieve your tension as much as possible. The temperature of the soup should not exceed 40 degrees Celsius to avoid excessive temperature differences between hot and cold.

Quit smoking, quit drinking, stay away from second-hand smoke

Xue Xiaojing pointed out that both smoking and passive inhalation of second-hand smoke increase the risk of heart disease and blood vessel damage.

The British Medical Journal pointed out that long-term exposure to second-hand smoke can increase the risk of lung cancer, diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and sudden death, especially the onset of cardiovascular disease, and also increase the possibility of brain damage and dementia Therefore, people in high-risk groups should quit smoking and stay away from second-hand smoke.

She also mentioned that as the weather gets colder at night, many people will have a drink before going to bed to increase warmth or sleepiness, but after alcohol is metabolized into acetaldehyde, it will dilate blood vessels, and blood vessels in patients with hypertension have high pressure, so blood vessels dilate , the blood pressure will drop temporarily, and after the metabolism of acetaldehyde, the blood vessels will constrict and the resistance will increase, which will make the blood pressure fluctuate and easily cause hypertensive emergencies.

So if you still feel cold before going to bed, you should add clothes and avoid drinking.

Wear onions to protect your head and neck

The weather is highly variable, with temperatures as high as 20 degrees during the day and as low as 15 degrees in the early morning or at night.

Therefore, it is recommended that when going out in the morning, pay attention to the multi-layered dressing method, wear enough warm items, and choose clothes that are easy to put on and take off and suitable for physical activities.

Before going to bed at night, you can prepare warm clothes next to the bed so that you can keep warm when you get up to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night or get up the next morning.

Xue Xiaojing also reminded that special attention should be paid to keeping the head, neck and extremities warm. It is recommended to wear multi-layered clothing, and the outermost layer can be worn with a moisture-proof and windproof jacket.

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  • stroke

  • heart

  • Cardiovascular diseases

  • elder

  • Desu Diet

  • Health Net-Hypertension

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