[Reporter Yi Huici/Comprehensive Report] 74-year-old Huang Xitian performed in karaoke halls in his early years, and later stepped into TV dramas, singing, hosting, and acting. He hosted "Grass Champion" for 23 years. , drew a perfect ending at the end of last year.

But he is not retired, he is still on the show, he participated in "Super Nightclub" a few days ago, recalled the bitterness of his debut, and owed 50 million in debt, and was stabbed in the back by people around him.

Huang Xitian.

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Huang Xitian said that because his family was poor at the time, he helped the company record "Brother Grange" when he was working in a record company. Ren Peng just said that these are things that cannot be imagined now.

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Huang Xitian also said that when he was young, he failed to invest in the video business. He invested in the video business because of a friend’s suggestion. He had already invested in equipment and money. Unexpectedly, his friend suddenly didn’t want to do it, so he had to do it himself. Unexpectedly, the video was copied maliciously, and the murderer could not be caught He could only absorb the losses on his own, and also encountered unscrupulous mid-market dealers, and finally owed as much as 50 million in debt.

He said that he even took his car to pawn, ran around the field every day regardless of north, central and south, and it took 8 years of hard work to pay it off smoothly.

Huang Xitian.

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After Huang Xitian announced his resignation from "Grass Champion" last year, the outside world wondered whether he had plans to retire. However, his daughter Huang Luyao emphasized that Huang Xitian did not intend to retire, and would continue to work hard in the entertainment industry, do what he likes, and uphold the spirit of life. With the spirit of learning from time to time, he also has another identity "Sweet Potato TV Program Director". He is willing to try anything, from singing, acting, song writing, screenwriting, drama directing, to program production, all by himself. Endless learning.

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