Minister of Culture Shi Zhe attended the celebration of the Radio Festival.

(Provided by the Ministry of Culture)

[Reporter Ling Meixue/Taipei Report] The new Minister of Culture Shi Zhejin participated in the Radio Festival celebration for the first time on the 24th. This coincided with the release of the results of the "2023 Survey of Satisfaction of Government Heads of the Government" by Zhongguang this morning. Higher than dissatisfaction, but Shi Zhe's dissatisfaction is 14.49%, which is the lowest dissatisfaction among cabinet chiefs.

In this regard, Shi Zhe said in an interview that he would keep reminding himself, "The important job of the Minister of Culture is to reconcile the relationship between the public, the focus group, and the minority group. Only by decontroversy can we solve the problem and move forward."

Shi Zhe also pointed out in his speech at the event that the Ministry of Culture is implementing the national language program, "In fact, broadcasting is the most important thing for the transmission and dissemination of many of our languages. Therefore, we must continue to ask everyone for help. In fact, if If there are no radio stations, if you listen to them at noon and at night, the language loss will be faster, so we must work hard to create more opportunities for the younger generation to listen to the radio.”

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For example, Shi Zhe said that Taiwan's pop music is broadcast on the radio, and at the same time, interpretation allows people to better understand the artistic conception of lyrics and music. Therefore, whether it is Taiwanese or Chinese, it can become Taiwan's most important content IP in Asia.

Shi Zhe compared the companionship of radio programs to people's lives and is closely related to it. "I think the Ministry of Culture has quite a lot of work that is closely related to everyone. We will do it well, and the integration of related resources will also be strengthened."

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