The Food and Drug Administration reminds that the whole plant of aunt taro is poisonous, and the toxicity will not be reduced by cooking. If you accidentally eat it, you may have symptoms such as sore throat and oral numbness.

(Provided by the Food and Drug Administration)

[Health Channel/Comprehensive Report] Some plants look very beautiful, but people should not touch and pick them at will or put the fruits in their mouths.

According to the Food and Drug Administration, for example, the whole plant of the common aunt taro is poisonous, and the toxicity will not be reduced by cooking. If it is accidentally ingested, it may cause symptoms such as sore throat and oral numbness. Drooling, slurred speech, difficulty swallowing and abdominal pain.

In recent years, there have been many food poisoning cases of aunt taro in China, most of which are related to the misuse of catering industry.

The Food and Drug Administration pointed out that a few days ago, it received reports from people who ate the "Ancient Flavor Taro Cake" sold in restaurants, and experienced mouth tingling symptoms after eating.

The DNA species identification was carried out by the Food and Drug Administration with molecular biological testing technology, and it was confirmed that the leaf was aunt taro.

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The Food and Drug Administration emphasized that when walking on country trails, you can often see aunt taro with huge leaves. The whole plant is poisonous, and the toxicity will not be reduced by cooking. The calcium oxalate, hydrocyanic acid and alkaloids contained in it will cause accidental ingestion. People have symptoms such as sore throat and oral numbness, while some patients are accompanied by drooling, slurred speech, difficulty swallowing and abdominal pain.

Due to the similar appearance of aunt taro and taro, it is not easy to identify, and it may cause accidental ingestion if you are not careful.

According to the Food and Drug Administration, looking back to the past, in 2016, people had suffered from sore throats and mouth pains due to eating "steamed pork ribs with lotus leaf powder" sold in restaurants. and in 2019, there were 2 cases of people eating taro stalk dishes and having symptoms such as sore throat, all of which were confirmed as aunt taro after inspection.

The Food and Drug Administration calls on restaurant operators to confirm the correctness of ingredients and avoid putting poisonous plants such as aunt taro leaves in dishes or in contact with food. It also reminds the public not to pick and eat animals and plants of unknown origin to avoid harm to the body.

If you experience symptoms of physical discomfort due to eating unknown plants, you should seek medical attention as soon as possible and keep food samples to facilitate correct diagnosis and treatment.

Reprinted from Issue 914 of the Drug and Food Safety Weekly Report of the Food and Drug Administration of the Ministry of Defense and Welfare

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  • food safety

  • eating by mistake

  • Aunt taro

  • poisonous plant

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