Wen Zhenling bid farewell to Huang He's 7-year love.

(Photo by reporter Pan Shaotang)

[Reporter Xiao Fangqi/Taipei Report] Wen Zhenling bid farewell to Huang He's 7-year relationship. At the beginning of the year, she was photographed having a new relationship with the second-generation star Sun Qinyue. At that time, the two called each other "good friends" and were regarded as a low-key confession of love. She serves as the brand image ambassador of ASICS. She attended the new product launch conference today and was asked about her relationship. It is a "good friend".

Wen Zhenling, who has been obsessed with jogging in recent years, has set a goal of running half marathons and full marathons this year.

(Photo by reporter Pan Shaotang)

She has been obsessed with jogging in recent years, and she set a goal of running half marathons and full marathons this year. She also said that "if you don't run for 3 days, your body will not be coordinated." Climate Running on the street attracted the attention of passers-by. At first she thought it was impossible to run there, but later she realized that the weather was too cold and no one would run like her. She said that after the run, her hands were swollen due to frostbite and soaked for a long time The hot water is only gradually getting better.

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Wen Zhenling attended the ASICS 2023 spring and summer women's product launch conference.

(Photo by reporter Pan Shaotang)

When asked if you want your other half to accompany you to run?

She thinks that everyone runs at a different pace and tends to run alone, but she can engage in multi-person sports with her other half, such as badminton and volleyball. When she further asked if she would play with Sun Qinyue, she smiled awkwardly: "Everyone is Good friends, you will meet them when you play." He responded in a low-key manner to the relationship.

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