Dr. Shi Shenghuan issued a medical certificate and wrote an instruction "suspect norovirus infection, and rest for 3 days" so that the female employee could ask for leave.

(Photo by reporter Cai Shuyuan)

[Reporter Cai Shuyuan/Taichung Report] It is currently the norovirus epidemic season. Recently, an 18-year-old female student working in a hot pot restaurant in Taichung suffered from persistent fever, abdominal pain, vomiting, and muscle aches. She can only leave after work. She didn’t go to the doctor until nearly 10 o’clock in the evening, just before the clinic closed. The doctor suspected that norovirus infection caused acute gastroenteritis, and immediately issued a medical certificate so that she could ask her boss for leave and go home to have a good time. Rest and avoid contagion.

Shi Shenghuan, a doctor at the Pediatric Clinic, said that now is the peak period of norovirus, which is highly contagious and easy to cluster infections. There are as many as 160,000 visits to the emergency department for diarrhea in a week nationwide. The epidemic situation is quite severe, and the main symptom is vomiting. It is diarrhea, and the route of infection is "fecal-oral contact". It can be transmitted through excrement, vomit, contaminated food and water, etc.

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Shi Shenghuan said that the young female patient came to see a doctor with a stomachache when the clinic was about to close that night. She complained of fever, abdominal pain and vomiting. Due to lack of manpower, she was not allowed to leave work early for medical treatment, so she had to wait until the end of work to catch up with the clinic.

Shi Shenghuan said that hearing what the owner of the hot pot restaurant said made him harden his fists. He bluntly said that norovirus is extremely contagious, and now it is the peak of the epidemic. On a break from work, I heard that the employee’s family members also had suspected symptoms, and quickly issued a medical certificate, and wrote a statement that “Suspected norovirus infection, and rest for 3 days” so that the female employee can ask for leave.

There was another young lady who worked as a customer service employee of the company and was also suspected of being infected with norovirus. She had vomiting and diarrhea. Still planning to go to work sick.

Shi Shenghuan pointed out that acute gastroenteritis caused by norovirus usually comes and goes quickly, and the course of the disease is about 2 to 3 days. However, infected people are contagious for at least 3 days from the onset of symptoms to recovery, and a small number of people are immunocompromised. Some patients even two weeks after recovery, the virus is still in the feces and is contagious. Remind the sick to rest at home as much as possible, do not go to school or work, and clean vomit and other pollution with diluted bleach. The way to prevent it is to Reduce raw food, wash hands frequently.

Dr. Shi Shenghuan reminded that now is the peak period of norovirus, which is highly contagious and easy to cluster infection.

(Photographed by reporter Cai Shuyuan)

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  • acute gastroenteritis

  • cluster infection

  • Norovirus

  • vomiting and diarrhea

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