The patient's scalp ulcer was treated with various dressings and medication, and healed after one and a half months.

(Photo by reporter Cai Shuyuan)

[Reporter Cai Shuyuan/Taichung Report] 61-year-old Ms. Xiao received targeted therapy for lung cancer last year, and suffered side effects such as paronychia and scalp folliculitis. Later, she developed a rare large area of ​​scalp wound ulcer bleeding and hair loss. The dermis tissue was exposed, bloody and painful. Unbearable, he was referred to the Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen Medical University for wound cleaning, hydrotherapy, dressing and drug treatment. After one and a half months, the wound healed, hair regrows, and anti-cancer treatment resumed.

Chen Junjia, director of plastic surgery at Zhongshan Affiliated Hospital, pointed out that the target drug for lung cancer that Ms. Xiao received was an epidermal growth factor inhibitor, which caused skin inflammation and slowed new skin growth. Paronychia, scalp folliculitis, Rash, etc., but the symptoms will not worsen, and the drug will be cured. It is the first time I have seen a scalp ulcer so severe in 30 years of practice, but it can be cured through active treatment.

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Dr. Chen Junjia pointed out that some cancer medications may cause skin inflammation. It is common for paronychia, scalp folliculitis, rash, etc. to appear after 2 or 3 days, but it will be better after stopping the medication.

(Photo by reporter Cai Shuyuan)

Chen Junjia said that the wound treatment team first evaluated Ms. Xiao's wound. More than 70% of her scalp was ulcerated, the dermis was exposed, and there was almost no complete skin. Necrotic tissues such as blood and water were applied to her with antibacterial fiber dressings, anti-adhesion dressings, foam dressings, etc. and adjusted according to symptoms to maintain a healthy scalp environment. After one week, the wound gradually healed.

Chen Junjia pointed out that as the wound healed gradually, he also gave steroids and other topical medicines to reduce inflammation and treat granulation tissue. The dressing was changed twice a week. Finally, the wound healed in one and a half months, and new scalp and hair grew. Finally, the headache was gone. You can also lie down and sleep, relieve the scalp crisis of half a year, and then treat lung cancer well.

Chen Junjia pointed out that although cancer treatment drugs may have side effects, the advantages definitely outweigh the disadvantages. Don’t give up the treatment. Now Ms. Xiao continues to receive treatment after her scalp heals and changes the target drug, and the effect is good. He said that if there is a There are also various treatments for skin symptoms. In addition to traditional treatments, there are also modern dressings, functional dressings, collagen, growth factors, hyperbaric oxygen, cell therapy, etc. to create a diamond-level chronic wound treatment, don’t give up.

Dr. Chen Junjia pointed out that the patient's scalp ulcer was treated with various dressings and medication, and healed after one and a half months.

(Photo by reporter Cai Shuyuan)

The patient's scalp ulcer was treated with various dressings and medication.

(Photographed by reporter Cai Shuyuan)

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  • Targeted therapy

  • scalp

  • hair loss

  • ulcer

  • skin inflammation

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