Just Sleep Tainan organizes a special event for children during the children's Ching Ming holiday, "Listen to stories and make children's books, make a one-page pop-up book".

(Provided by Just Sleep Tainan Branch)

[Reporter Zhou Xingrui/Taipei Report] Long live children, long live creativity!

Just Sleep Tainan is on Children's Day holiday, specially planning an exclusive activity for children "Listen to stories and make children's books, make a one-page pop-up book", from 3:30 pm to 4:30 pm on April 2, by senior paper-cut creators Artist Xie Meiling, guided by the five senses learning method, allows children to go from listening to stories to completing a storybook alone. It is suitable for children from kindergarten to grade 6 to participate in the production with their parents and enjoy a happy parent-child happy time. The fee is per person 450 yuan, Jinghaogou opens online registration, website: https://lihi2.cc/lsqyP.

"Listen to stories and make children's books, make a pop-up book" activity allows children to go from listening to stories to completing a storybook by themselves.

(Provided by Just Sleep Tainan Branch)

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