Lin Chiling is busy with raising children, but still maintains a good look.

(Provided by Lin Chiling Studio)

[Reporter Zhong Zhijun/Taipei Report] 48-year-old Lin Chiling has rarely made public appearances since she attended the new book sharing meeting in October last year; After 4 years, she gave birth to a son last year, and now she has a "new identity"!

It turned out that Lin Chiling was in charge of planning the nutritional product advertisement this time. She personally participated in the idea of ​​the script and stepped into the field of advertising planning. She targeted the advertisement to office workers, students, and women with menstrual problems. , the studio was full of laughter.

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Due to being busy with epidemic prevention and childcare for more than a year, Lin Chiling has less time for exercise. "Now that the baby is starting to walk, sometimes I will take him to the park for a walk, bask in the sun, and move around together." She said with a smile. : "Little baby will always look at the phone and call mother, hearing his cute call, my heart will melt!"

As Lin Chiling's important other half, AKIRA thoughtfully sent drinks and meals to support her beloved wife on the day of commercial shooting, and cheered her up all the time.

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