During the vernal equinox, Xu Chengyan suggested going outdoors to take a big breath of fresh air and stretch your muscles and bones to relieve fatigue; the picture shows the situation.

(The picture is taken from photoAC)

[Health Channel/Comprehensive Report] Today (21st) is the vernal equinox. In this solar term full of vigor and vigor, how should we maintain our health?

Xu Chengyan, a physician at the Chaozhou Maguang Traditional Chinese Medicine Clinic, pointed out that the vernal equinox is the key point for the conversion of day and night, and it is also the balance point for the balance of yin and yang in traditional Chinese medicine. By massaging acupoints, stretching muscles and bones, and drinking tea, it can clean the body of adults and delay aging. Can help grow taller.

Xu Chengyan mentioned that "Chunqiu Fanlu · Yin and Yang In and Out Part 2" said: "In the vernal equinox, the yin and yang are half and half, so the day and night are equal and the cold and heat are balanced." The winter solstice begins, the nights are getting shorter and the days are getting longer, until the vernal equinox , the time of day and night is the same, and after the vernal equinox, the number of day hours officially surpasses the number of night hours.

Therefore, the vernal equinox is the key point for the conversion of day and night, and it is also the balance point for the balance of yin and yang in traditional Chinese medicine.

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Xu Chengyan said that Chinese medicine believes that heaven and man are in harmony, and that the microcosm of a healthy body is adjusted and changed at the same time as the yin and yang of the environment's macrocosm are changing.

Near this solar term, we can open our body’s sensitive senses in a relaxed state before falling asleep or getting up, feel the subtle changes in the big and small universe, adjust our mentality, and meet future challenges.

Press 3 acupuncture points full of energy

Xu Chengyan pointed out that the vernal equinox is the beginning when yang outweighs yin, and the time when children grow the fastest is near the vernal equinox.

Acupoint health care can press Yongquan


to make people’s vitality gushes out like spring water;

Taichong acupoint

gives us full energy for the day and continue to move forward;

the blessing of

Zusanli acupoint makes you walk like flying.

He explained that these acupoints are not only helpful to growing children, they are also very helpful to grown-up adults; because as long as a person is alive, the body must continue to metabolize, and the cells are constantly replacing old ones with new ones. These acupuncture points can provide the motivation for body cleaning, keep young and delay aging.

During the vernal equinox, Chinese medicine practitioners recommend pressing Yongquan, Taichong and Zusanli points.

(Provided by Ma Kuang Traditional Chinese Medicine Clinic)

Relax the bladder meridians and relieve fatigue

Xu Chengyan said that maintaining the softness and elasticity of the muscles and bones can make our activities more smooth.

During the vernal equinox, the climate is mild and suitable for going out for a walk, exercising, breathing fresh air, smelling the singing of birds and the fragrance of flowers, and giving yourself full of vitality.

If you are too busy at work and have no time to go out, you may wish to stretch, yawn or take a deep breath, so that you can relax the muscles of the bladder and greatly relieve fatigue. You can also bend your body to the sides to loosen the muscles of the gallbladder. Mint wolfberry tea relaxes tense emotions.

Chrysanthemum mint wolfberry tea improves eyesight and soothes liver

In addition, Xu Chengyan recommends drinking chrysanthemum mint and wolfberry tea in this season.

He said, hold the tea in your mouth before swallowing it, feel the aroma and coolness of mint and chrysanthemum in the nasal cavity, the nose will be cleared instantly, and the spirit will instantly improve.

Then the sweetness of wolfberry is brewing in the mouth, which makes the digestive tract move.

In addition to the sensual pleasure, this pot of tea can also brighten the eyes and soothe the liver, making your eyes light up.

●Materials: a few mint leaves, a few chrysanthemums, and a few goji berries.


1. Put the chrysanthemum into the cup, pour a little boiling water, shake it and then pour out the water to wash away the fine dust on the surface of the chrysanthemum.

2. Put 2 pieces of mint leaves and washed chrysanthemum into a teacup, add 200ml of hot water, soak for about 3 minutes, and then drink.

3. You can add honey to taste according to your personal preference.

In addition, with the loosening of the mask order, Xu Chengyan also suggested that when you are free, you can go to an open space and take off the mask to breathe fresh air. In addition to pathogen isolation, one's own health is also very important.

Xu Chengyan, Physician of Chaozhou Maguang Traditional Chinese Medicine Clinic.

(Provided by Ma Kuang Traditional Chinese Medicine Clinic)

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  • Health tea

  • fatigue

  • Soothe the muscles and bones

  • acupressure

  • Spring regimen

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