The doctor said that aerobic exercise can help reduce intraocular pressure and improve blood circulation, and is the first choice for glaucoma patients; when retraining, you should pay attention to exhaling normally and not excessively holding your breath; when doing yoga, you should avoid postures where the eyeball is lower than the heart to avoid intraocular pressure Rise; Situation photos, the characters in the picture have nothing to do with this article.

(picture taken from freepik)

[Health Channel/Comprehensive Report] Glaucoma patients are most afraid that the increase in intraocular pressure will cause the condition to worsen, so not all sports are suitable for doing.

Wang Mengqi, director of Zhenshiming Ophthalmology Department, said that aerobic exercise can help reduce intraocular pressure and improve blood circulation, and is the first choice for glaucoma patients; retraining is more controversial, and patients should pay attention to exhaling normally and not excessively holding their breath; yoga can be done, but Positions where the eyeball is lower than the heart should be avoided to avoid an increase in intraocular pressure.

In addition, glaucoma control drops can also be used before exercise.

Wang Mengqi posted on the Facebook fan page "Doctor Wang Mengqi-The Frontline of Ophthalmology" that glaucoma patients often ask what kind of exercise is better for relieving glaucoma. In response to this problem, the less controversial exercise is aerobic exercise.

Regular aerobic exercise for more than 45 minutes 3-4 times a week can help reduce intraocular pressure, improve body circulation, and benefit cardiovascular and brain health, especially for people who originally lived a static life.

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Wang Mengqi pointed out that there is no definite conclusion on the impact of heavy training on intraocular pressure, and some studies conflict with each other, but excessive breath holding and exertion may indeed increase intraocular pressure.

If the glaucoma is mild, the intensity of retraining is within an appropriate range, and the glaucoma has not deteriorated significantly after continuous follow-up, moderate retraining can still be carried out.

However, he reminded that if the intraocular pressure is uncontrollable, or glaucoma is deteriorating rapidly, it is recommended to reduce retraining.

In addition, when practicing, you should exhale normally, and do not continue to hold your breath and use force.

Wang Mengqi said that yoga is also a common exercise for everyone, but if the posture makes the eyeballs lower than the heart, it may increase the intraocular pressure. The larger the vertical distance, the greater the rising range, so it is like three-point handstand, Poses such as Downward Dog are less suitable for glaucoma patients.

You can ask the teacher to use alternative movements, so that the eyeballs should not be lower than the heart as much as possible, and at the same time, you can take into account your favorite sports and control glaucoma.

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  • sports

  • yoga

  • glaucoma

  • Retrain

  • intraocular pressure

  • Aerobic exercise

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