The adviser on health issues of the Metropolitan Municipality, Prof. Todor Kantarjiev

Prof. Dr. Todor Veselov Kantarjiev dmn, mzm, graduated from the Medical Academy - Sofia in 1981, and the directors of municipal nurseries discussed what measures to take in case of scarlet fever and chicken pox, reports the municipality.

The professor gave specific advice to the directors about work in the nursery, recommended protective measures to prevent the spread of the disease, as well as drugs that certainly help to treat scarlet fever or chicken pox in children and their parents.

According to Prof. Kantarjiev, for streptococcus in the nasopharynx, an antibiotic from the group of well-known penicillins or cephalosporins should always be given. 

Increase in cases of scarlet fever and chicken pox

"Most cases of scarlet fever this winter are mainly due to lively communication and failure to observe measures such as hand washing, ventilation, cleaning. After the pandemic, there have been many viral infections that have weakened the immunity of both children and adults. The most common gets sick 4-5 days after contact with an infected person," added the health advisor of the Capital Municipality.

Adults suffer from chicken pox more severely than children, Kantarjiev also said and once again reminded that vaccination against this disease is the best prevention.

Todor Kantarjiev

chicken pox

Scarlet fever
