Wu Hanmeng said that if a child in the family has obesity problems, it can be improved through diet, exercise, life behaviors such as adequate sleep, eating a nutritious breakfast, and through medication;

(picture taken from freepik)

[Health Channel/Comprehensive Report] The World Health Organization Committee on Ending Childhood Obesity estimates that the number of overweight or obese infants and young children worldwide will increase to 70 million in 2025. and may continue to be obese into adulthood.

In this regard, Wu Hanmeng, the attending physician of Hexin Minquan Pediatric Clinic, said that if a child in the family has obesity, it can be improved through diet, exercise, life behaviors such as adequate sleep, eating a nutritious breakfast, and medication.

Wu Hanmeng posted on the Facebook fan page "Doctor A Bao Accompanying You to Raise Baobao-Pediatrics Wu Hanmeng Physician", pointing out that according to the Ministry of Health and Welfare's "Evidence Guidelines for the Prevention and Control of Childhood Obesity", the way to judge obesity in children is based on body mass index (BMI) as a basis, with 2 years old as the watershed, if the BMI of infants under 2 years old is above the 97.7th percentile, it is considered obese; if the BMI of children or adolescents over 2 years old is above the 95th percentile, it is considered obese .

Please read on...

There are 4 ways to improve childhood obesity


Wu Hanmeng said that in addition to the most basic three meals a day, foods with high calorie content and low nutritional value must also be reduced. It may be difficult at the beginning, and can be gradually reduced, such as changing from full sugar drinks to half sugar, buying commercially available Change biscuits to homemade biscuits, and try to replace snacks with natural foods.

●Exercise and physical activity:

Encourage your child to move from static to dynamic activities.

In terms of exercise intensity, it is recommended to exercise in small amounts and multiple times on average for a week, so that the body can adapt to the feeling of activity and develop exercise habits.

●Life behavior:

In order to improve obesity, it is necessary to make changes in life, including: getting enough sleep, eating nutritious breakfast and eating more prototype foods, etc., avoiding the temptation to eat or take snacks in front of children.

●Drug therapy:

Wu Hanmeng shared that in the latest childhood obesity guidelines proposed by the American Academy of Pediatrics this year, for obese adolescents over the age of 12 (BMI ≥ 95th percentile), it is recommended that pediatricians and other frontline medical personnel, in addition to giving healthy behaviors and life In addition to the type of treatment, weight loss drugs should also be provided as an aid according to the indications, risks and benefits of the drugs.

5 major causes of childhood obesity

●Frequently eat fast food and drink sugary drinks:

Fast foods contain too many carbohydrates and trans fats, and most of the added sugars in sugary drinks are refined sugars, which can easily cause weight gain and fat accumulation.

●Eating out frequently:

People who often eat out may consume too many calories if they do not choose food content carefully. For example, a plate of fried rice is almost carbohydrates and lacks enough protein and fiber.

●Eating too fast:

Eating too fast may lead to an increase in the total calorie intake of the day. Because the brain has not had time to receive the "full" signal, children may eat snacks after meals. It is recommended that children eat at least 20 minutes before the brain can produce satiety Foot feeling.

●Too much static activity:

Wu Hanmeng mentioned that modern children are often associated with mobile phones and tablets, or are too often engaged in static activities, so as to bury the obesity factor.

According to the recommendations of the Ministry of Health and Welfare, babies aged 0 to 1 should accumulate 30 minutes of activities a day, such as squatting, turning over, crawling, etc.; children aged 1 to 6 should accumulate more than 3 hours of activities a day, such as running and jumping; 6 to 17 Children and adolescents over the age of 10 should accumulate more than 60 minutes of moderate to strenuous activities every day, including cycling, jogging or ball games.

●Insufficient sleep:

Wu Hanmeng said that the "Evidence Guidelines for the Prevention and Control of Childhood Obesity" pointed out that children aged 2.5 to 6 who sleep less than 11 hours a day have an obesity incidence rate that is 2.9 times that of those who sleep more than 11 hours a day. It can be seen that lack of sleep is positively correlated with obesity .

Growth body mass index (BMI) recommendations for children and adolescents.

(Photo taken from the Ministry of Health and Welfare)

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