Cai Xiaohu is temporarily absent from the rehearsal of "Golden Years Concert".

(Reposted from Facebook)

[Reporter Yang Xinhan/Taipei Report] The 64-year-old "Prince of Pork" Cai Xiaohu was sent to the hospital late last year due to intestinal obstruction. He did not expect to be absent from the "Golden Years Concert" rehearsal temporarily today. His manager showed up earlier, explaining Cai Xiaohu had a severe allergic reaction caused by the drug. Currently, his body and face are covered with erythema, so he had to ask the organizer for leave.

Long Qianyu (from left), Hong Ronghong, Chen Meifeng.

(Photo by reporter Song Zhixiong)

Cai Xiaohu's agent explained his condition, and mentioned that after Cai Xiaohu's treatment, rashes had recurred in the past few months, appearing on his face, neck, and body, and even the powder couldn't cover it; Long Qianyu also said: "I've seen it before. With his personality, he won't come out to meet people easily. He is a perfectionist."

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Cai Xiaohu's agent then said: "He loves to be pretty, so of course he is not in a good mood these days. If he is in a bad mood and can't smile when taking pictures, he will feel embarrassed, so work may be suspended for a while. This time in Beiliu, I hope to come out in the best condition." He also emphasized that Cai Xiaohu's body is very healthy, "I really don't need to gather Qi, his voice is like a bell, his voice is fine, and his body is fine."

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