The Qingming holiday is approaching, and the Nantou County Health Bureau reminds the public to pay attention to the 5 key principles of food poisoning prevention.

(Provided by Nantou County Health Bureau)

[Reporter Zhang Xiesheng/Report from Nantou] The Ching Ming holiday is coming soon. Due to the high temperature and humidity in Taiwan before and after the Ching Ming Festival, food is prone to breed microorganisms, and people may cause food poisoning after eating. Adhere to the "five essentials" of food safety, such as separating raw and cooked food, heating thoroughly, and keeping an eye on storage temperature, so as not to spoil your stomach, or even cause norovirus infection, which will affect the holiday fun.

The Nantou County Health Bureau pointed out that when worshiping ancestors and sweeping tombs during the Ching Ming Festival, the three animal offerings during the worship are kept at room temperature for a long time. If the principles of food hygiene and safety are not paid attention to, the chance of food poisoning may increase, especially in recent years. norovirus.

In order to prevent food poisoning, the ingredients should be frozen or refrigerated as soon as possible after purchase, and the ingredients should not be purchased in excess, so as to avoid storing too much ingredients in the refrigerator, which will reduce the cooling effect of the refrigerator and cause the growth of microorganisms. In particular, attention should be paid to the storage temperature. Refrigeration should be below 7°C and freezing below -18°C.

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Tomb-sweeping Day is approaching, Nantou County Health Bureau inspects the food sold in the market, and also appeals to the public to choose businesses with good reputation and good hygiene to buy.

(Provided by Nantou County Health Bureau)

In addition, the ingredients should be fresh. When purchasing food, you should choose manufacturers with good reputation and hygiene, or give priority to choosing products with complete labels (including product name, ingredients, manufacturer name, address, telephone number, expiration date, weight, nutrition label and country of origin, etc.) ) packaged products, do not be greedy for petty gains and buy from unknown street vendors; wash your hands thoroughly before and after preparing food, use hygienic water, bandage wounds, and separate raw and cooked ingredients to avoid cross-contamination. Thoroughly heat.

Nantou County Health Director Chen Nansong emphasized that the infection of norovirus often peaks between November and March every year, and its infectivity and spread are fast and widespread, and a very small amount of virus particles can cause disease, 75% of Alcohol can't kill it. Therefore, during the Ching Ming Festival holiday, you must do good personal and food hygiene habits to prevent norovirus infection. If you have gastrointestinal discomfort, please seek medical treatment as soon as possible and cooperate with the health unit Investigate to find out why.

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  • food poisoning

  • stomach upset

  • personal hygiene habits

  • Norovirus

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