Zeng Xinyi, Physician of Otorhinolaryngology of Gaoyi Medical University, explained Pan Xianrong's vocal cord polyposis and follow-up treatment when he went to the doctor.

(Photo by reporter Xu Lijuan)

[Reporter Xu Lijuan/Kaohsiung Report] Pan Xianrong, a cappella singer who was shortlisted for the Golden Melody Award, has recently had a hoarse voice. Because she relies on her voice to make a living, she thought it was the end of her life. When she went to the doctor, she found that her vocal cords were prolapsed. Meat, the medical team suggested precise steroid injections to the vocal cords through endoscopy, followed by voice rehabilitation after surgery. Now Pan Xianrong's voice has not only returned to normal, but he will also perform on stage in the near future.

Pan Xianrong returned to Gaoyi to share his medical treatment process. He said that his voice is very important to him. He sang a cappella with his voice and also taught courses in the music department of many schools, so he found that his voice was suddenly difficult to control. The voice is hoarse like "Li Jing", and it is difficult to produce high notes, so I am quite frustrated. I can't hold out the whole class in class, and I can't sing well. I thought I needed surgery and general anesthesia, and I was afraid of sequelae caused by wounds on the vocal cords. For medical treatment, fortunately, with the encouragement of my friends, I went to Gaoyi ENT for treatment. I did not expect that the medical treatment process was very easy. The endoscopic precise steroid injection treatment was completed in about 1 minute. After the voice rehabilitation of the medical team, it has now recovered, and is actively preparing for the performance of "Resonance 2: Fit. Thomas Holm X Natural Singer Choir" to be held in Weiwuying, Kaohsiung on April 1, and will face the audience in the best condition .

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Pan Xianrong originally had a polyp on her vocal cords (see left in the picture) that affected her voice, but after endoscopic precise injection treatment, the polyp has gradually disappeared (see right in the picture).

(provided by Gaoyi)

The ENT medical team of High Medical Center pointed out that when Pan Xianrong went to the doctor, he underwent high-resolution throat endoscopy and found that polyps had grown on the vocal cords due to long-term overuse. The patient was worried about the need for general anesthesia or possible scabs on the vocal cords. After thorough discussion, he quickly arranged a time for precise steroid injections to the vocal cords in the outpatient clinic, combined with speech therapy. The polyps have disappeared.

Huang Ziyan, an otolaryngologist, explained that in addition to local vocal cord injection of steroids, there are other materials such as hyaluronic acid, autologous fat, thrombopoietin (PRP), and botox (Botox). The effect of restoring "good voice" can only be achieved by inflicting injections on different diseases.

However, it is reminded that after the precise and scar-free endoscopic injection treatment, it is necessary to cooperate with good eating habits and voice usage, follow the speech and language therapist's health education and exercise, in order to achieve better voice quality and maintain voice status.

Pan Xianrong is very grateful for the successful rescue of the vocal cords, and is now preparing for a performance in Weiwuying in April.

(Photo by reporter Xu Lijuan)

Wu Zhewei, director of the ENT Department, said that even if you are not a professional singer, it is very common to encounter voice changes in your daily life and affect your quality of life. If there is still no improvement after eating stimulating food, it is recommended to go to an ENT clinic with a sound specialist for examination and consultation, and further arrange a personal treatment course to improve the sound.

Traditional vocal cord injection requires general anesthesia, and there is a possibility of leaving scars after surgery, but endoscopic injection can achieve the therapeutic effect in outpatient local anesthesia.

The most common cause of hoarseness, otolaryngologist Zeng Xinyi said, including singers, singers, teachers, customer service personnel, broadcasters, broadcasters and other professional voice users who need to use their voices every day, even if their vocal cords are inflamed or have a condition Still can’t stop; Furthermore, people who have been exposed to irritating substances for a long time or use their throat incorrectly, such as exposure to smoking, drinking, gastroesophageal reflux, often speaking with force, often clearing the throat, etc.; in addition, there are aging, chronic inflammation and other vocal cord atrophy For other rare conditions such as vocal cord dyskinesia and paralysis caused by surgery or other medical practices, or related vocal cord problems caused by viral infection, it is recommended that the above situations should be diagnosed by an otolaryngologist and given corresponding treatment.

When vocal cord cocoons, polyps, cysts, etc. are found in the examination, precise local injection into the vocal cord lesion under the endoscope can be evaluated, and a professional speech therapist can be used for voice education and post-treatment maintenance.

Together with Pan Xianrong (middle), the ENT medical team of Gaoyi Medical University appealed to the public not to be afraid to seek medical treatment for voice problems, and to seek further treatment according to individual conditions.

(Photo by reporter Xu Lijuan)

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  • Hoarseness

  • vocal cord polyp

  • speech rehabilitation

  • Endoscopic Injection Therapy

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