Maria Louise, midwife and author of The Modern Midwife's Guide to Pregnancy, Birth and the Aftermath, shared with the Huffington Post some interesting signs that you may be expecting a baby.

A strange taste in the mouth

Pregnancy causes all kinds of bodily changes, and one of those rarely talked about is a change in taste known as dysgeusia.

You may have a metallic taste in your mouth, or foods you once loved suddenly become very unpleasant.

The reason for this will be the changed hormonal background.

Night sweats

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Night sweats can also be an early sign of pregnancy, and again it all depends on your hormones.

This is a fairly common and rather unpleasant symptom.

Many women notice that they begin to suffer from night sweats in the early stages of pregnancy.

If you suffer from night sweats, make sure you drink enough water to avoid dehydration.

Traces of blood

Many of us know that it is worth paying attention to the main sign of pregnancy - a delay in menstruation, but some women - in fact, about 20% - experience bleeding in the early stages of pregnancy.

This will look like a small amount of blood — pink, red, or dark brown in color — either on a toilet paper or on your underwear.

Although all bleeding during pregnancy should be investigated or discussed with a doctor, it is actually very common and not always a sign that something is wrong.

Sometimes it can just be implantation bleeding.

And then this sign can be considered one of the early ones.

Carbohydrate cravings

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Although this symptom is usually associated with the second and third trimesters, many women report an increased appetite in early pregnancy, particularly craving carbohydrates.

Toast and crisps are probably the most common foods that women say they craved during early pregnancy or before they knew it.

Take a good look at the contents of your supermarket basket - if there are too many biscuits, bread and crisps, you might want to add a pregnancy test.

Sharp sense of smell

A pregnant woman in the early stages turns into a superhero.

Aggravation of the sense of smell is very common and often associated with morning sickness, but these are actually different symptoms.

However, your new improved sense of smell can trigger nausea, and many women have to breathe through their mouths, bypassing irritating smells, to prevent vomiting.

So if you start to think that your colleague is abusing perfume, you should go for a pregnancy test.


With all of these changes going on in your body, you may feel more than just tired in the early stages of pregnancy.

You may feel so exhausted that you can't get off the couch during the day or suddenly fall asleep in the wrong place.

If you notice that something similar is happening to you, you have one or more of the listed signs, or maybe even all of them at once, consult your doctor and take a pregnancy test.

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Pregnancy calendar