Zhang Qingfang happily announced that she will sing at the Taipei Arena again.

(Provided by Cited Entertainment)

[Reporter Chen Huiling/Taipei Report] Zhang Qingfang, "Invincible in the East" in the music industry, will finally stand on the Taipei Arena again after 8 years. She divorced Song Xueren in June 2020. After becoming single, she once again held a concert with tens of thousands of people as a singer. In addition to the expectations of fans, this concert is also of great significance to her, because she and Song Xueren’s son will soon go to the United States to study. She hopes Taking this concert as a gift for her son who is about to go to college, she said bluntly: "I don't know when the next time will be."

Zhang Qingfang has many classic songs and will share them with fans at the Little Arena concert.

(Provided by Cited Entertainment)

Zhang Qingfang has sung many representative songs, "I'm Still Young", "After the Passion", and "California Sunshine". "rest", but she laughed and said that every time she had this thought, a voice would appear around her asking her to continue singing. It felt like she was carrying the expectations of fans who had been like old friends for many years, so she always couldn't let go .

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It was rumored before that Zhang Qingfang and Song Xueren divorced and received 1.6 billion yuan in alimony. After the divorce, she can do what she wants to do more freely. Singing is her hobby. Officially open for sale.

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