Chinese medicine practitioners say that if you want to improve cough symptoms, you can usually press the Chize and Lianquan points, which can improve the symptoms of cough and phlegm in patients with lung diseases; the picture shows the situation.

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[Health Channel/Comprehensive Report] Cough is a protective response of the human body, but for people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, long-term and persistent cough is a kind of trouble.

Traditional Chinese medicine practitioners suggest that you can usually press the Chize and Lianquan points, both of which have the effect of improving symptoms such as cough and phlegm in patients with lung diseases.

In addition, the booing exercise in Liuzijue, a health-preserving exercise method, can also make breathing smooth and reduce chest and hypochondrium pain caused by coughing.

Lin Shungu, a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine in the Renai District of Taipei City United Hospital, posted an article on the Facebook fan page "Doctor Lin Shungu Talks about Dementia Care", pointing out that coughing is a protective response that helps clear foreign bodies and secretions in the respiratory tract. Patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Manifested as a long-term and persistent cough.

Coughing occurs when the respiratory system cannot function properly due to narrowing of the airways and destruction of lung tissue, making the airways more susceptible to irritation.

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Lin Shungu said that in cold weather, air pollution, virus infection, etc., coughing usually intensifies, often accompanied by phlegm, and even choking on phlegm makes the cough worse.

Therefore, if you want to improve cough symptoms, it is recommended to try pressing Chize and Lianquan points, as well as eating platycodon grandiflorum, and the booing exercise in the six-character formula of health-preserving exercises, which can make breathing smooth and reduce chest pain caused by coughing.

Press 2 acupoints to improve symptoms of cough and phlegm

●Chize Point:

It is located on the inner surface of the elbow, in the transverse crease of the elbow, and in the depression on the radial side of the biceps tendon.

It has the effects of clearing the lungs and reducing phlegm, relieving asthma and relieving cough, and can improve symptoms such as cough and excessive phlegm in patients with chronic lung diseases.

●Lianquan point:

It is located on the front midline of the neck, above the Adam's apple, and in the depression on the upper border of the hyoid bone.

It has the effects of soothing the throat and tongue, reducing swelling and pain, resolving phlegm and resuscitation, and can improve respiratory diseases such as pharyngitis.

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Platycodon grandiflorum:

Its root has the effect of promoting lung qi, reducing phlegm and invigorating qi. It can treat cough, phlegm, chest tightness, and sore throat, aphonia and other symptoms.

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●Shush skill:

first put both hands on the waist with the palms up, turn the body to the left and put the right hand out slowly to the left.

Alternate left and right again, after extending the hand to the bottom, retract the right hand, turn the body upright, retract the palm and inhale through the nose at the same time, and then move to the left side.

Lin Shungu said that continuing this movement can make breathing smooth and reduce chest pain caused by coughing.

In addition, to say "shh", the corners of the mouth should be pulled back, so that the upper and lower molars are aligned, and there is a slit, and a gap is left at the edge of the tongue.

Let the air out of the body through the gap between the mouth and the upper and lower molars.

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  • cough

  • the lungs

  • Traditional Chinese Medicine

  • respiratory disease

  • acupressure

  • reduce phlegm

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