Traditional Chinese medicine points out that although the initial effect of the 168 weight loss method is obvious, it is easy to damage the stomach and cause more weight loss.

In addition, long-term use of the Slim Pen will cause the body to lack nutrients and cause a decline in metabolism, making it easier to gain weight; the picture is a schematic diagram.

(picture taken from freepik)

[Health Channel/Comprehensive Report] There are hundreds of ways to lose weight, but if you use the wrong way to lose weight, you will not only fail to lose weight but also lose your health.

Shi Yunting, a TCM doctor at Hetuo TCM Clinic, shared in a Facebook fan page "Bupleurum TCM is not a second class", sharing that although the initial effect of the 168 weight loss method is obvious, it is easy to damage the stomach, and the more you lose, the fatter you become.

In addition, long-term use of the Slim Pen will cause the body to lack nutrients and cause a decline in metabolism, making it easier to gain weight.

He reminded that no matter which weight loss method you choose, it is more effective to discuss it with your doctor and match it with exercise.

168 weight loss method is easy to lose weight and fails 4 reasons

Shi Yunting explained that the 168 weight loss method refers to taking 1 day as a unit, not eating for 16 consecutive hours, and eating the calories required for a day in the other 8 hours.

By deceiving the body through hunger, the body consumes fat to produce energy and achieve the effect of fat loss.

Although the initial effect is obvious and does not need to spend extra money, it hurts the stomach and is easy to break the performance. If you do not exercise, you will lose muscle. After losing weight, it is easy to regain weight, and the gain is all fat.

Please read on...

Shi Yunting pointed out that there are 4 reasons why the 168 weight loss method is prone to failure:

●Test your willpower. If you indulge in holidays and return to normal eating, you will easily fail your skills and gain weight again.

●It is easy to lose concentration if you do not eat breakfast. If you eat dinner early, you will not be able to eat until noon the next day.

●Many people mistakenly think that the body will consume fat when fasting, and there is no need to control calories when eating.

●Without exercise, it is easy to lose muscle instead of fat.

The skinny pen gets fatter and the side effects affect the quality of life

Shi Yunting pointed out that the main ingredient of Slim Pen is incretin, a hypoglycemic injection for the treatment of type 2 diabetes, which can stimulate the central nervous system of the brain, delay gastric emptying and suppress appetite.

Rapid weight loss in the first 8 weeks, obvious effect, easy to use, but many side effects, such as nausea, constipation, loss of appetite, lack of energy, lethargy.

Shi Yunting said that the application of the Slim Pen will reduce appetite, and eating too little food will cause the body to lack the nutrients it should have for a long time, resulting in a decrease in metabolism and making it easier to gain weight, thus forming a vicious circle.

And many side effects, quality of life will be greatly affected.

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  • lose weight

  • diet

  • Slimming

  • 168 fasting method

  • thin pen

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