Dr. Li Sikai reminded the public that if there is blood in the stool, it is necessary to seek medical examination as soon as possible to confirm the cause and treatment as soon as possible.

(Provided by Daecheon General Hospital)

[Reporter Peng Jianli/Miaoli Report] A 58-year-old woman surnamed Liu from Miaoli County was troubled by the presence of blood in her feces for several days. She was worried that she might be suffering from colorectal cancer. Accompanied by her family, she went to the hospital for treatment. Colonoscopy revealed bleeding from a colonic diverticulum. The doctor immediately After the hemostatic treatment, the condition improved immediately, which made Ms. Liu breathe a sigh of relief.

Li Sikai, a hepatobiliary and gastroenterologist at Daqian General Hospital, said that most of the lower gastrointestinal bleeding comes from the colorectum, and the causes include hemorrhoids, colorectal polyps, tumors, abnormal proliferation of blood vessels, infectious or ischemic colitis, etc.; this case Bleeding due to diverticulum of the large intestine is also one of the reasons.

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Li Sikai pointed out that large intestine diverticulum refers to the sac-like structure formed by the mucosa on the large intestine wall protruding outward from the muscle layer of the intestinal wall. Most of them occur in the sigmoid colon (left large intestine). It is related to high-fiber foods, and the probability of occurrence will also increase with age.

The woman had bloody stools for several days, which was confirmed to be colonic diverticulum bleeding (red circle) by the doctor.

(Provided by Daecheon General Hospital)

Li Sikai said that most patients with colorectal diverticulum are asymptomatic or have mild symptoms, such as intermittent abdominal pain, abdominal distension, irregular bowel habits, etc. Usually, colorectal diverticulum is discovered when complications occur, and the common complication is diverticular bleeding And diverticulitis, other complications are the formation of fistula or intestinal obstruction.

He pointed out that the cause of diverticulum bleeding may be caused by long-term damage to the small blood vessels near the diverticulum, thus forming bloody stools; Inflammation can cause symptoms such as left abdominal pain, fever, nausea and vomiting, constipation or diarrhea, difficulty in urinating, and frequent urination. In severe cases, it may cause acute peritonitis, sepsis, and shock.

Li Sikai reminded that if you want to prevent colonic diverticulum, you can start by changing your eating habits, eat more high-fiber foods, drink more water, eat moderate amounts of meat, and reduce your consumption of refined foods.

If symptoms of diverticulum bleeding or inflammation occur, it is necessary to seek medical treatment as soon as possible so as not to delay the treatment.

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  • colorectal cancer

  • hemorrhoid

  • Bloody stools

  • Large intestine polyp

  • Large bowel diverticulum

  • Colonoscopy

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