Ms. Zhou shared with her husband the experience of anti-cancer and new characters, and cut the cake to thank the medical team for the treatment.

(Photo by reporter Cai Shuyuan)

[Reporter Cai Shuyuan/Taichung Report] 34-year-old Ms. Zhou was 5 months pregnant last year. When her husband applied pregnancy cream on her, he found that her breasts swelled abnormally and quickly, and she felt a hard lump in her left breast. When she was taken to the doctor, she was found to have the most malignant disease. The triple-negative breast cancer was treated immediately. After receiving 2 rounds of chemotherapy, the tumor shrunk significantly, and the fetus in the abdomen also grew up healthily. She gave birth by caesarean section at 36 weeks. After chemotherapy, the tumor disappeared, and no cancer cells were detected after surgical resection. Now she is recovering well. , Happy to be a novice mother.

Liu Liangzhi, director of breast surgery at the Affiliated Hospital of China Medical University, pointed out that there are about 15,000 new breast cancer patients in China every year, of which triple-negative breast cancer accounts for 10% to 15%, and the highest degree of malignancy occurs in young women. It is fast and has few treatment methods. Although it is not common for women to be diagnosed with breast cancer during pregnancy, 17% to 48% of triple-negative breast cancers are diagnosed during pregnancy, which may be related to breast stimulation and hormonal changes during pregnancy. Once diagnosed during pregnancy, the mortality rate increases by 20% % to 25%, early intervention is necessary.

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Ms. Zhou was diagnosed with triple-negative breast cancer when she was 5 months pregnant. She actively treated and fought the cancer bravely.

(Photographed by reporter Cai Shuyuan)

When Ms. Zhou was diagnosed with a 2 cm tumor in her left breast, she was diagnosed with stage 2 triple-negative breast cancer. Due to the rapid deterioration, breast surgeon Huang Zhihao entered the second stage of pregnancy (20 weeks of pregnancy and the fetus was stable) in order to protect the pregnant woman and the fetus. Two chemotherapy sessions were given 2 weeks after the diagnosis, and the fetus was also closely tracked for stable growth. A healthy 2,500-gram baby boy was delivered by caesarean section at the 36th week of full-term.

Ms. Zhou received 6 times of chemotherapy one week after giving birth. The tumor has disappeared, leaving only scar tissue. The left breast and the sentinel lymph node in the armpit were removed and no cancer cells were detected. She successfully fought cancer. She said that she found it in the first pregnancy Cancer is very stressful, but in order to protect your baby and yourself, you must race against cancer, follow the doctor's advice, and go to treatment. Hair loss during chemotherapy, and other side effects are few, and you will bravely go through it with your baby.

Ms. Zhou was diagnosed with triple negative breast cancer when she was 5 months pregnant. She successfully fought the cancer and gave birth to a 5-month-old son. She is a happy new mother.

(Photographed by reporter Cai Shuyuan)

Huang Zhihao said that young breast cancer should not be underestimated. According to hospital statistics, more than 30% of breast cancer patients are under the age of 45 when they are diagnosed. It has 90% curative effect when used in the second trimester. Breast cancer treatment during pregnancy will not increase the risk of fetus. It also reminds pregnant women that their breasts become larger during pregnancy, and they should also pay attention to changes. If there are abnormalities, they should seek medical treatment as soon as possible.

Ms. Zhou had a 2 cm large tumor on her left breast, which was no longer visible after chemotherapy, leaving scar tissue.

(Photographed by reporter Cai Shuyuan)

Ms. Zhou was diagnosed with triple-negative breast cancer when she was 5 months pregnant. She successfully fought the cancer and gave birth to a 5-month-old son. The family is happy.

(Photographed by reporter Cai Shuyuan)

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  • breast cancer

  • the tumor

  • cancer

  • give birth

  • breast

  • fetus

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