▲ After recovering from COVID-19, Xiaozhen suffered from repeated colds, coughs, and runny nose. Dr. Lai Wanyu (right) diagnosed her with "Coronavirus Syndrome", which improved significantly after being treated with traditional Chinese medicine.

(Photo by reporter Cai Shuyuan)

Reporter Cai Shuyuan/Taichung reported that 5-year-old Xiaozhen was diagnosed with the new crown (COVID-19) in June last year. After recovering, she had repeated colds, coughs, and runny nose for 4-5 months. She went to the doctor and diagnosed her with new crown syndrome. She had lung-qi deficiency and dampness in the upper burner. She was prescribed traditional Chinese medicine to eliminate wind, cold and dampness. After 1 week, the cold was cured. Then, Guizhi and Shengmaiyin were used to dehumidify and invigorate the spleen. After 3 weeks, there was little Another cold.

Lai Wanyu, director of the Department of Pediatrics of Traditional Chinese Medicine at the Affiliated Hospital of China Medical University, pointed out that infection with the new crown virus is like the invasion of damp heat. For children with new crowns, the damp heat has not been removed. It is often found that the tongue of the infected child is like a white strawberry tongue, and the tongue coating is thick and whitish. This is damp heat in traditional Chinese medicine. In the mixed syndrome type, dampness evil is heavy, turbid and viscous, and the disease is lingering, which makes the course of the disease prolong and difficult to heal.

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Lai Wanyu said that in traditional Chinese medicine, children's new crown syndrome is divided into "deficiency of Qi" which often causes respiratory tract infection, sweating, and decreased physical strength, and "deficiency of Yin" which causes deficiency fire, irregular heartbeat, chest tightness, dry mouth, itchy skin, and skin rashes. Adolescents often present with chest pain, irregular heartbeat, and insomnia, while preschoolers experience coughing, excessive sweating, and decreased physical strength.

Lai Wanyu said that in the early stage of long-term new crown syndrome, medicines for clearing dampness and heat can be used, and in the subsequent recovery period, prescriptions such as Shenlingbaizhusan and Liujunzi Decoction can be used to dehumidify and strengthen the spleen, or Shengmaiyin, Zhigancao Decoction and other prescriptions for nourishing qi and nourishing yin; recovery During the stage, you can stew Sishen soup (yam, Gorgon fruit, lotus seeds, Poria cocos), and mix it with coix seed to strengthen dampness and strengthen the spleen. Children who cannot take traditional Chinese medicine can also use traditional Chinese medicine such as Fangfeng, astragalus, Atractylodes macrocephala, and cassia twig. Soaking and fumigation can help strengthen the body and eliminate pathogenic factors, replenish qi and solidify the surface.

▲The doctor pointed out that chiropractic can regulate autonomic nerves and intestinal function.

(Photo by reporter Cai Shuyuan)

Massaging acupuncture points can also help improve symptoms

In addition, massaging acupoints can also help improve post-coronavirus symptoms. If you have insomnia and palpitations, you can massage Shenmen acupoint, which can calm your mind and calm your nerves. Massage 100 times each time; Neiguan acupoint can also widen the stomach and chest, and chiropractic for children can also help regulate self-discipline Nerve and intestinal function, 10-20 times each time.

Xie Kaisheng, vice president of the Children's Hospital Affiliated to China Medical University, reminded that the cause of the new crown syndrome is that the new crown virus hides in the corner of the body that is not easy to detect, and continues to cause trouble, as well as the chronic inflammation of the human body's immunity, and the tiny blood clots after infection affect the body function. Seek medical attention.

▲Massage the Neiguan acupoint, which can broaden the chest with the stomach.

(Photo by reporter Cai Shuyuan)

▲Massaging the Shenmen point can calm the mind and calm the mind.

(Photo by reporter Cai Shuyuan)

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  • cold

  • cough

  • runny nose

  • long crown

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