People with a beer belly accumulate fat at least 3 cm thick in front of the pubic symphysis, resulting in visually shortened genital appearance and erection length by 2-3 cm; the picture shows a situational photo.

(picture taken from shutterstock)

[Health Channel/Comprehensive Report] The length of the penis is not only the dignity of many men, but also affects their sex life.

Chen Weijie and Luo Shixiu, urologists of the Affiliated Hospital of Peking University, said that people with a beer belly accumulate fat at least 3 cm thick in front of the pubic symphysis, resulting in visually shortened genital appearance and erection length by 2-3 cm.

Obese men usually suffer from three highs, which affect the ability of the penis to congest. It is recommended to lose weight and reduce fat, taking into account the health of the whole body and the feeling of "sexuality".

If the fat accumulation is too thick, there may be a "cryptic stem"

Chen Weijie and Luo Shixiu posted an article on the Facebook page "Secret Meeting Room - Dr. Chen Weijie x Dr. Luo Shixiu" that the pubic symphysis is located in front and below the bladder, and is the cartilage joint between the left and right pubic bones. The penis passes from the perineum to the lower part of the pubic symphysis , and then extended outwards to the outside of the body.

Belly fat deposits can extend all the way to the front of the pubic symphysis, creating the illusion of shortened penis length.

Please read on...

For example, for people with a beer belly, the fat in front of the pubic symphysis is at least 3 cm thick, which makes the appearance of the genitals and the length of the erection seem to be shortened by 2-3 cm. In severe cases, there may even be a "cryptic penis" problem.

Erectile function will be affected if obese men suffer from three highs

Chen Weijie and Luo Shixiu said that although a big belly will not really shorten the genitals, it will affect "sex".

Obese people may suffer from three highs at the same time, poor penis hyperemia, leading to erectile dysfunction, and the thickness of abdominal fat affects the length of exposure, reducing the "sexual" happiness of love, and may cause psychological impotence or lack of sexual interest over time.

Lose beer belly and have a better sex life

Therefore, it is still recommended to eliminate the stomach, combine diet and exercise, and "remove" the beer belly bit by bit, which is good for health and makes sex life more satisfying.

They emphasized that as long as the fat before the pubic symphysis can be gradually reduced, it is a good way, "Don't be greedy!"

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  • three high

  • liposuction

  • penis

  • erection

  • beer belly

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