How to improve eyesight

"One of the most popular procedures in our clinic is laser vision correction," says Yuliya Valentinivna Leichenko, leading ophthalmic surgeon of Eximer, a member of the European Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons (ESCRS).

It is interesting that during the war the demand for this method of vision restoration only increased. 

And this is not surprising, because people, especially now, acutely feel how important it is to see well and not depend on glasses and lenses.

In addition, it has been proven that laser correction is safe - it has been used in medicine for over 30 years, is constantly being improved and has a minimum of contraindications. 

The main criterion for correction is 18 years of age, the absence of autoimmune diseases and the person's desire to undergo laser correction.

Who is a candidate for the procedure 

Laser vision correction allows a person to see the surrounding world well and to forget about traditional methods of correction - glasses and lenses. 

This procedure is indicated for those who suffer from poor eyesight.

However, there are some categories of people to whom this effective 100% vision technology can be especially recommended, namely:

  • For whom it is difficult to choose traditional methods of correction (for example, with complex astigmatism, a large difference in visual acuity in the eyes). 

  • Military personnel, athletes, outdoor enthusiasts - people whose lifestyle or profession make it difficult to use lenses or glasses.

  • Drivers, pilots - everyone whose work is connected with high quality of vision.

Which technique is better to choose

It is important to note that you can choose a correction method only after a thorough study of all parameters of the eye and consultation with a doctor.

"Depending on the results of the diagnosis and the needs of the person, we can offer the following methods," explains ophthalmologist Yulia Valentynivna:



The technique has a wide range of purposes and can be used for nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism.

Recommended for people with vision deviation from -12 to +4 D.

Femto Lasik


A unique, effective knifeless method of laser correction, which is considered the gold standard throughout the world and in our center.

Femto technology is performed with deviations from -12 to +5 D. It is allowed for people with a thin cornea.

5D SportSmartSurf.

The procedure is chosen by military personnel, people who actively train, do sports and lead a rich, eventful life.

The correction is performed completely non-contact on the surface of the cornea.

That allows you to return to training the very next day. 

Reviews of people who have undergone laser correction with us confirm that vision improves immediately after the procedure. 

An interesting fact - in some European countries, laser vision correction is included in the list of procedures covered by medical insurance.

This once again confirms the safety and effectiveness of the technique, which is recognized throughout the world.