Pigmentation On Face: This way the problem of freckles will go away. 

special things

  • This way the freckles will go away.

  • Some tips come in handy.

  • The spots will become lighter.

Skin Care:

Pigmentation, hyperpigmentation or freckles are such skin problems that cause dark spots to appear on the face.

Due to this, there are deep marks on the face, which also start appearing like dirt.

There can be many reasons for these freckles, the effect of sunlight, excessive dryness on the face, use of chemical skin care products, hormonal imbalance or skin care products not according to the need of the skin. Placement.

In such a situation, some home remedies can be tried to lighten the freckles.

These remedies show good effect on the skin. 

If you want to make thin eyebrows thick and thick, then these home remedies will work, eyebrows will look full 

Home remedies to remove freckles.

Home Remedies To Remove Pigmentation 

Aloe Vera 

Freckles can also be lightened by the use of aloe vera.

It contains aloin which is effective in reducing pigmentation.

Apart from this, fresh aloe vera is rich in anti-inflammatory properties and removes excess melanin cells on the skin.

It can be applied daily after washing face. 

curd or milk

Lactic acid is found in both curd and milk.

Lactic acid is commonly used in chemical peels which removes dead skin cells from the skin and leaves dark spots.

To use curd or milk, take it in cotton and apply it on the freckles and wash it after keeping it for some time.

Using it 2 times a day will show good effect. 


Turmeric rich in curcumin works to stop the production of melanin.

Freckles start to appear on the skin only when melanin is produced in excess.

Mix gram flour, turmeric and rose water in a bowl and apply on the face and wash after keeping it for 10 to 15 minutes.

By using this paste every other day, good effect starts showing. 


The bleaching properties of potato are no less effective in removing pigmentation.

The natural bleach found in potatoes removes freckles, blemishes, tanning and dirt.

To apply it, take out potato juice in a bowl.

Dip a cotton ball in this juice and apply it on the freckles of the face and wash it after some time.

Applying every other day for a few weeks will start showing results. 

If you drink tea on an empty stomach in the morning, then you are making a mistake, bed tea can affect your health. 

Disclaimer: This content provides general information only including advice.

It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion.

Always consult an expert or your doctor for more details.

NDTV does not claim responsibility for this information.

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