Even though Wang Zhengji was suffering from cancer, he still persisted in photographing black-faced spoonbills, and the attending doctor called his optimism the key to fighting cancer.

(Provided by Caichang)

[Reporter Liao Lihui/Comprehensive Report] Taiwan's senior eco-photography master Liang Jiede launched a new masterpiece "Guarding the Black-faced Spoonbill", which lasted 30 years and was filmed in many countries. It became the first black-faced spoonbill ecological documentary on the big screen in Taiwanese film history. .

This film not only records the appearance and environment of the black-faced spoonbill, but also captures the passionate dedication of different bird lovers to the black-faced spoonbill.

Among them, "Mr. Black Spoonbill" Wang Zhengji, who is famous for photographing black-faced spoonbills, traces the decades-long career of black-faced spoonbills as the core, and glimpses his life story of losing his wife and suffering from cancer but still persevering.

This film captures Wang Zhengji, who is known as "Mr. Black Piano", as he traces the life of the black-faced spoonbill for decades.

(Provided by Caichang)

Wang Zhengji used to work as a photojournalist for a newspaper. In 1992, the "Tainan Qigu Black-faced Spoonbill Shooting Incident" that shocked all walks of life occurred. He was assigned to go to the local area to shoot. Therefore, he and the black-faced spoonbill started decades of fate, and since then set foot on The journey of guarding the black-faced spoonbill.

When he was determined to go to various parts of the world to capture the figures of the spoonbill family, he encountered a serious accident in South Africa, the first stop of the filming, and his wife who accompanied him to go abroad also left in the accident.

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This film is the latest work launched by director Liang Jiede after 30 years, recording the appearance and environment of the black-faced spoonbill.

(Provided by Caichang)

Recalling this sad past, Wang Zhengji said frankly: "I have been silent for a whole year, and I dare not even touch the camera." After the filming project was suspended for a year, Wang Zhengji picked up the camera again with the encouragement of relatives and friends, like It is to fulfill the agreement with my wife and continue to embark on this unfinished journey.

During the filming process, he was not only in pain in his heart, but also in the pain of losing his purse.

During the filming process, he accidentally fell into the mud, ruining the professional photographic equipment that cost 450,000 yuan.

When he talked about this past event, he also laughed and said that when he fell, the first person to be rescued by others was not the injured himself, but the camera, which not only fully demonstrated his love and attention to shooting, but also made people feel his Cheerful character.

 In 2012, Wang Zhengji was diagnosed with the third stage of colorectal cancer. In order to lead the director Liang Jiede to capture the rare black-faced spoonbill snow scene and hide his physical discomfort, he simply flew to Japan and postponed the operation and hospitalization. .

However, during the whole shooting journey, he still showed a consistent cheerful appearance, and he also used the optimistic attitude towards "Mr. Black Pit (Happy)", and went through countless arduous anti-cancer treatments. Even the attending doctor called out: "It was an important key to his success against cancer."

During Wang Zhengji's career, he has witnessed the gradual growth of the black-faced spoonbill under conservation, but he has also witnessed that habitat changes are deeply threatening the survival of the black-faced spoonbill, and even become a major crisis.

In December 2002, the "black-faced spoonbill collective botulism incident" occurred in Qigu, Tainan, and Wang Zhengji also joined the rescue operation.

Facing the critical situation of a large number of black-faced spoonbills falling in front of him, he said, "One second can save a life. Hurry down and pick them up. We picked up a dozen of them in total."

Looking back at that time, the number of black-faced spoonbills that died of disease was close to 100. Although the number seemed small, the total number of black-faced spoonbills in Taiwan was less than 600, which already accounted for a very high proportion. This also reflects the reduction of habitat. Black-faced spoonbills gather densely on the same land, and as long as there is a crisis, it may lead to very serious consequences. 

Wang Zhengji flew all over the world to capture black-faced spoonbills in different periods and seasons, and also met black-faced spoonbill experts from Hong Kong, South Korea, Japan and other places.

Even though they cannot speak the language, but relying on the same love for black-faced spoonbills, they had a good chat and became friends for many years.

In the past 30 years, Wang Zhengji visited Xingrentuo 40 times before and after, and finally captured the precious moment of the black-faced spoonbill laying eggs. He has also developed the skills to predict the behavior of the black-faced spoonbill. He is a full-fledged PRO figure.

Even so, Wang Zhengji said that his task has not yet been completed: "I want to record the entire black-faced spoonbill, from all breeding areas to all wintering areas, and leave it to our next generation, as a black-faced spoonbill. The ecological history of the lute, so I work hard to live every day!" And his journey will also be fully seen through "Guarding the Black-faced Spoonbill".

"Guarding the Black-faced Spoonbill" will be screened at "Black-faced Spoonbill Together" on March 24th.

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