A nutritionist said that long-term constipation leads to the accumulation of feces in the body, which will promote the growth of polyps, and some may lead to the risk of cancer.

Constipation can be divided into three types: desire to defecate but unable to defecate smoothly, no desire to defecate for many days, and feces with strong stickiness; situational photos, people in the picture are not related to this article.

(picture taken from freepik)

[Health Channel/Comprehensive Report]​Do you want to eat a lot of vegetables and fruits if you don’t want to be constipated?

Don't worry about the health of the large intestine if you don't have constipation?

Dietitian Li Wanping posted on her Facebook fan page "Li Wanping Nutritionist" and her personal website that whether defecation is smooth or not will show the body's metabolic status and also affect the appearance of the body.

Long-term constipation leads to the accumulation of feces in the body, which will promote the growth of polyps, and some may cause cancer risk.

She pointed out that there are 3 common types of constipation and their solutions, and she can easily judge health through stool.

Want to poop but can't come out, be careful of bad breath, three highs come to your door

Li Wanping said that if you are easily nervous, have a lot of pressure in life and work, and have a fast pace that often misses the time to go to the toilet, eat a lot or often have to socialize, this type of friend should be careful when encountering "the desire to defecate but cannot defecate smoothly".

This type of constipation has been accumulated for a long time, which is prone to bad breath, dull skin, and even has three high risks.

Please read on...

She pointed out that we should try our best to develop a fixed time to go to the toilet. Everyone has their own biological clock, and it doesn't matter if the time is different from others.

In addition, drink at least 30, 40 c.c. of water per kilogram per day, or catch more than 2000 c.c., and supplement water-soluble dietary fiber to help soften stools and lower cholesterol in the body, such as kelp, kelp, seaweed, oats, Mushrooms contain pectin and β-glucan. These ingredients have a soft and slippery taste and can help soften stool.

Hard feces and farts can drink 10 cc of oil in the morning

Li Wanping explained that people with small food intake, low intake of vegetables and fruits, drinking little water, or picky eaters tend to have no desire to defecate for several days, and the stool is often very hard and granular like sheep stool.

The obvious features are particularly smelly farts, easy to lose energy, rough skin, frequent acne, and easy to look old.

She suggested drinking at least 3000c.c. of water every day, and drinking 10c.c. of oil in the morning, such as olive oil, avocado oil or lettuce salad mixed with some oil to help intestinal peristalsis.

The dietary fiber that needs to be supplemented is "insoluble dietary fiber", which has a hard taste, can help increase the volume of stool, and is also full of satiety.

Recommended ingredients include celery, broccoli, burdock, bamboo shoots, beans, nuts, etc., while fruits are guava and passion fruit.

Uneven diet, big fish and big meat, strong sticky feces

Li Wanping said that for those groups who love to eat meat and fruits, but eat very little vegetables, the uneven diet ratio increases the risk of visceral fat, cholesterol in the body and the rate of polyp proliferation.

This type of human feces is relatively sticky, and it is easy to stick to the toilet wall when flushing the toilet and needs to be cleaned with a brush.

She pointed out that water-soluble and non-water-soluble dietary fiber must be supplemented. Cuisine suggestions such as bamboo shoots, mushrooms, chicken/ribs soup, corn kelp chicken/ribs soup, or white fungus and lotus seed soup can be eaten as a staple food. , mushrooms, etc.).

4 principles to prevent constipation and smooth bowel movements

Li Wanping said that she does not want to be full of poop and stagnation in the body. The staple food and side dishes should contain as much dietary fiber as possible, reduce refined starch, increase the intake of fruits and vegetables, drink plenty of water, and exercise more.

Not only dietary adjustments, but also physical exercise are also helpful for intestinal health.

She shares 4 skimming steps:

●In the staple food, replace refined starch with types rich in dietary fiber, such as brown rice, red barley, and oats.

●Eat at least 4 bowls of vegetables and 2 fist-sized fruits a day.

●Drink plenty of water to make the stool soft and easy to discharge.

●Walk more to help intestinal peristalsis.

Pay attention to body warning signs from the color and pattern of stool

Li Wanping pointed out that according to the "Bristol Stool Classification System" in the UK, normal healthy stool should be yellow-brown or yellow-brown long strips, which look more like sausages and bananas, with a smooth and soft surface.

Have regular, smooth and effortless bowel movements without stickiness or sticking to the toilet.

She identified 4 stool color patterns:

●Dark brown: the diet contains a high proportion of animal fat and protein, and a large amount of bile must be secreted to digest it, and bile will make the stool darker and taste stronger.

●Green: Eating too many dark green vegetables at a time, or the bile in the body is too late to digest, the food has been quickly excreted through the body, and the color will recover after that.

Sometimes it may be gastroenteritis caused by bacterial virus infection, and the symptoms include diarrhea.

If there is no fever after 1 or 2 days of observation, and the stool returns to yellowish brown, don't worry too much. Otherwise, it is recommended to seek medical examination.

●Black: You may eat foods with high iron content (such as pig blood, pig blood cake, cherries, mulberries, additional iron supplements, etc.) or squid juice products that are easy to stain. If it is not affected by diet, be careful if there is any digestive Tract bleeding problems such as duodenal ulcer, stomach ulcer, or hemorrhagic gastritis.

●Red: If you do not eat red pigment (such as red dragon fruit) in your diet but have red stool, it is very likely to be related to the lower digestive tract, such as hemorrhoids or a health warning of the large intestine, please seek medical attention as soon as possible.

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  • sports

  • colorectal cancer

  • constipate

  • healthy diet

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