Chinese medicine practitioners said that turning off the lights and sliding the mobile phone may cause macular degeneration, which will lead to rapid deterioration of vision. In addition, it will also cause dry eye, cataract and other eye diseases. Young people should pay special attention to their vision health; For situational photos.

(picture taken from freepik)

[Health Channel/Comprehensive Report] I have already turned off the lights and prepared to go to bed, but I am still used to using my mobile phone before going to bed, and I unconsciously spend more than 30 minutes.

Lin Mingyu, director of Yuqun Traditional Chinese Medicine Clinic, warns that this small action may cause macular degeneration, leading to rapid deterioration of vision. In addition, it may also cause dry eye, cataract and other eye diseases. Young people should pay special attention to themselves vision health.

Lin Mingyu pointed out in his Facebook fan page "Yuqun Traditional Chinese Medicine Physician Lin Mingyu" and his blog that more and more young people aged 30-40 are seeking treatment for macular degeneration recently, and the number has increased by about 30%. Proportion.

The reason is that after going to bed and turning off the lights, you are still using your smartphone.

If the strong light from a mobile phone irradiates the eyes for more than 30 minutes, it will damage the macula of the eye, causing macular degeneration, which will lead to rapid deterioration of vision. Macular degeneration, which was more common in the elderly, now often occurs in young people.

Please read on...

As for why it causes macular degeneration?

Lin Mingyu explained that when a mobile phone is in the dark, due to dilated pupils and close reading, the brightness is relatively enhanced. The high energy is directly absorbed by the eyes, and the fragile and sensitive macula is easily injured. This is the same as the blindness caused by the atomic bomb explosion. .

In addition, using mobile phones in the dark can also cause other problems such as dry eye syndrome and cataracts. Young people should pay special attention to their own health.

1 move to self-test the macula

How do you know if you have macular degeneration?

Lin Mingyu said that the method of self-examination of the macula is very simple. Take a piece of graph paper used for mathematics, draw a black dot at any punctuation point as the fixation point, and the distance is about 35 cm. Leaving this fixation point, if peripheral lines outside this fixation point feel defective, deformed, distorted, or even the central fixation point is not clear, 80% of them have macular degeneration, and they should go to a major hospital for further examination and confirmation.

Lin Mingyu reminded that if you have macular problems, you have to receive laser or steroid treatment in the early stage to prevent the deterioration. In the long run, to improve vision, you should use traditional Chinese medicine therapy, but it takes a period of patient treatment, most of the vision is There will be progress.

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  • cataract

  • dry eye syndrome

  • macular degeneration

  • 3C products

  • Traditional Chinese Medicine

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