Nutritionists pointed out that fruits with low GI value have more fiber, which can delay blood sugar fluctuations, such as guava.

(picture taken from freepik)

[Health Channel/Comprehensive Report] There is also the best "food" machine for eating fruits!

Nutritionists pointed out that eating fruit between meals can increase satiety, reduce excessive intake of meals, and avoid eating other snacks.

It is recommended to eat 1-2 servings of fruit a day, and choose fruits with more fiber and low GI value, which can delay blood sugar fluctuations, such as virgin tomato, guava, kiwi, etc.

Conversely, those who want to control blood sugar are not recommended to eat high GI fruits, such as watermelon, durian, lychee, and longan.

Dietitian Ma Fengyin posted on the Facebook fan page "Mature Health Expert - Ma Fengyin Nutritionist" that it is better to eat fruit between meals. First, you can avoid eating other snacks, and second, you can increase the feeling of fullness. Reduce excessive intake of meals.

In case the time cannot be matched, it is still recommended to eat low GI fruits at night.

Please read on...

Ma Fengyin explained that one serving of fruit has about 60 grams of calories and about 15 grams of sugar, but now that fruits have been improved and become sweeter, too much fructose intake is likely to produce triglycerides, which will not only affect uric acid, but also increase The risk of fatty liver, so it is recommended to take 1 serving a day, up to 2 servings.

Usually, the size of a serving of fruit is about the size of a girl's fist, or 8 minutes of a full bowl, which is equivalent to 1 apple, 1 orange, 1 medium-sized guava, and 1.5 kiwis.

In addition, it is better to choose fruits with low GI value, which have more fiber, which can delay blood sugar fluctuations.

Fruit GI value

●High GI (above 70):

watermelon, durian, lychee, longan.

●Medium GI (55-70):

pineapple, pear, papaya, banana, grape, mango, strawberry.

●Low GI (<55):

cherry tomato, guava, kiwi, cherry, grapefruit, apple, orange.

Ma Fengyin reminded that the relationship between fruit and blood sugar is not to be felt by the sweetness of the mouth. For example, lemon is very sour. I thought it would be okay to eat more, so I started to drink lemonade, but the next time I came back, I found that my blood sugar soared.

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  • uric acid

  • fruit

  • fructose

  • healthy diet

  • sugar control

  • low GI

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