Cao Ye was nominated for Admiralty last year and was affirmed.

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[Reporter Zhong Zhikai/Taipei Report] "Grass Master" Jiang Zhiwei has made a successful investment in the sideline business of medical aesthetics. He just returned from a trip to Japan in January and found that the medical aesthetics industry has high barriers to entry. Therefore, he moved to a country with a booming economy. He plans to visit Vietnam in the future.

The medical beauty clinic that Taiwan invested in last year had a monthly sales of about 12 million. After that, it intends to open a flagship store in Taichung.

Cao Ye received a deep nourishing treatment.

(Photographed by reporter Chen Yiquan)

Master Cao first came into contact with botulism in April last year. It was for his drama debut in "Reverse Situation", playing the role of the criminal policeman "Stone". The chewing muscles on the cheeks were treated with botox, and now the cheeks have disappeared. He said that he is so handsome that he can't go back, and he needs to be given regular injections.

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This time Mr. Cao also experienced the deep skin calming treatment. He used the patented probe to absorb the acne and cutin, making Mrs. Cao look radiant. After finishing the treatment, he sucked out a large jar of dirty acne, which shocked Mrs. Cao. He thought it might be a normal job sometimes Incomplete makeup removal, caused by long-term accumulation.

Cao Ye looked up in distress and asked for help from the beauty doctor.

(Photo by reporter Zhong Zhikai)

Mr. Cao’s facial chewing muscles are super developed, because he used to have the habit of chewing betel nuts. Although he quit, he grinds his teeth for a long time at night, and the sound is super loud, and the snoring is also super loud. Angular, relatively square face, grinding teeth also made him grind his teeth to become sensitive.

In the past, Mr. Cao gained 110kg, but later implemented the "168 Weight Loss Method", and his body fat dropped from 40% to 30%. During the weight loss period, he once ordered a bucket of fried chicken. He said, "I just chewed it in my mouth and spit it out. As long as it tastes good, don't swallow it." The weight loss method is quite drastic.

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