According to traditional Chinese medicine, a small amount of gastric acid will still be secreted on an empty stomach. People with a healthy stomach will not feel uncomfortable due to fasting. However, if you often experience stomach tightness and noisy discomfort on an empty stomach, it means excessive gastric acid secretion, and you may even have gastritis or ulcers; the picture shows the situation.

(picture taken from shutterstock)

[Health Channel/Comprehensive Report] Many people suffer from gastroesophageal reflux problems due to poor eating habits; Zeng Zicheng, a physician at Hanbu Shijia Traditional Chinese Medicine Clinic, said that gastric acid will still be secreted in a small amount when fasting, and people with healthy stomachs will not feel uncomfortable due to fasting, but if Stomach tightness and noisy discomfort often occur on an empty stomach, which means excessive gastric acid secretion, and may even have gastritis or ulcers. Therefore, patients with gastroesophageal reflux should develop a good habit of "regular and quantitative".

Zeng Zicheng shared in his Facebook page "Chinese Physician Zeng Zicheng|What is itching in the stomach" that in the treatment of gastroesophageal reflux, "timing and quantification" is the key. And broken", the answer is no, when you should eat but not eat, the stomach will still secrete some gastric acid, but at the same time the stomach will also secrete gastric mucus to protect the stomach wall, so a short fasting will not damage the stomach wall too much Serious, so common fasting before surgery or blood drawing, fasting for weight loss, etc., will not have much impact on the stomach wall.

Please read on...

Why does the stomach make noise when the stomach is empty

Zeng Zicheng explained that a small amount of gastric acid will still be secreted on an empty stomach. Patients with a healthy stomach will not feel stomach discomfort due to fasting; Chance is a sign of chronic gastritis or gastric ulcer. Therefore, when stomach acid stimulates the wound, there will be symptoms of stomach stuffiness and noise, and even stomach pain.

Zeng Zicheng said that in the early stage of gastroesophageal reflux treatment, pinellia, coptis, dried ginger, evodia, etc. will be used to inhibit gastric acid secretion, and dandelion, gardenia, etc. will be added to slow down local gastric inflammation, and he will be instructed to take it about half an hour before meals Traditional Chinese medicine also takes into account that patients are prone to discomfort such as stomach tightness and noise when adjusting their diet and work rest.

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  • traditional Chinese medicine

  • gastroesophageal reflux

  • fasting

  • stomach acid

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