Cai Qiufeng suffers from ear problems.

(Provided by Cai Qiufeng)

[Entertainment Channel/Comprehensive Report] 55-year-old Cai Qiufeng has been out of the showbiz for a while, and recently released a new album "Lian Zhu An", returning to the music scene after three years.

However, it was rumored that she was plagued by a strange illness. Due to an unknown ear disease, she could not hear the sound for a while. The condition was quite serious. She even had the idea of ​​retiring. It was Wu Zongxian's word that changed her mind.

Cai Qiufeng's recent show "Destiny is Fun" mentioned that she has constant physical problems, and her ears and throat have symptoms of discomfort. Among them, ear diseases troubled her unbearably. She revealed that not only tinnitus, but when the band drum beats, her ears will hurt terribly.

After seeing a doctor for a diagnosis, there is still no conclusion. The doctor judged that Cai Qiufeng, who debuted at the age of 13, started recording at a young age, constantly stimulating her immature ears, which led to the current situation.

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The cause of Cai Qiufeng's ear disease has not been found out so far.

(recapped from YouTube)

Cai Qiufeng said that her ears still hurt quite a lot when she was recording, but she is currently recovering from her ear problems. She tried her best to relieve pressure by running. I’m raising a family, and I’ve been singing until now, I think it’s time to rest.” However, Wu Zongxian’s words touched her: “Don’t stop singing, you are Deng Ziqi from Taiwan!” Therefore, Cai Qiufeng decided to make a piece that explained to herself, The work I like, so ushered in the birth of a new album "Lian Zhu An".

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