Chinese medicine practitioners say that red dates are not only known as natural vitamins, but if you are anemic, prone to dizziness, and depressed, eating more can help you look rosy, increase your physical strength, and improve your mood. However, due to the sweet taste of red dates, people with diabetes and obesity should not Eat more; the picture shows the situation.

(picture taken from freepik)

[Health Channel/Comprehensive Report] Valentine’s Day is approaching. In addition to having a big meal, Wang Yulin of the Guishan Literature Fengze Traditional Chinese Medicine Clinic recommends the Chinese herbal medicine "Red Date". Those who eat more can help their complexion rosy, enhance their physical strength and improve their mood. However, due to the sweet taste of red dates, people who need to control blood sugar or are obese should not eat more.

Wang Yulin posted on her Facebook page, "Wang Yulin Chinese Medicine Physician. Taro の Seconds Understand Chinese Medicine." She pointed out that jujube is the ripe fruit of the Rhamnaceae plant jujube, which is rich in various nutrients and has a good reputation as a natural vitamin. It can nourish qi and blood , soothe the nerves and ease the medicinal properties.

Jujube is very mild in medicinal properties. As long as it is not excessive, it is not only suitable for the general public, but also suitable for people with poor complexion, anemia, dizziness, fatigue, and depression.

Please read on...

1. Poor complexion or anemia constitution:

Red dates nourish blood and are rich in vitamin C, which can make the complexion ruddy.

2. Dizziness and fatigue:

Jujube can invigorate Qi, provide energy for the body and enhance physical strength.

3. Depressed mood:

red dates are sweet and can soothe the nerves. When you are depressed, a cup of red date tea can make you feel better.

How to choose red dates?

Wang Yulin said that the fuller the granules, the better, the skin is intact, there is no ulceration or cracks, the pedicles should not have perforations or brown powder (may be eaten by insects), the flesh is earthy yellow (too black is not good), and emits a faint smell of jujube. Fragrant (too strong may have additives).

Wang Yulin reminded that red dates are rich in nutrition, highly compatible and sweet. In addition to carefully selecting the appearance and quality, red dates are sweet. If you need to control blood sugar or are obese, you should also consume in moderation.

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  • obesity

  • red dates

  • Chinese herbal medicine

  • Traditional Chinese Medicine

  • sugar friends

  • Traditional Chinese Medicine

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