Has a big chunk of the Sun broken off?

Scientists surprised to know the truth

The Sun has always fascinated astronomers.

And now, a new development has surprised the scientists.

A large chunk of the Sun has broken off from its surface and created a whirlwind like vortex around its north pole.

While scientists are trying to analyze how it happened, video of the event has left the space community perplexed.

The remarkable event was captured by NASA's James Webb Telescope and shared on Twitter by space weather forecaster Dr. Tamita Skov last week.

The Sun keeps on emitting solar flare which sometimes affects the communication on the earth, so scientists are more concerned about the latest development.

Dr. Skov said in a tweet last week, "Talk about a polar vortex! Material from the northern prominence has just separated from the main filament and is now spinning in a huge polar vortex around the north pole of our star." The implications here for understanding the atmospheric dynamics of the Sun above 55° cannot be overstated!" 

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Talk about Polar Vortex!

Material from a northern prominence just broke away from the main filament & is now circulating in a massive polar vortex around the north pole of our Star.

Implications for understanding the Sun's atmospheric dynamics above 55° here cannot be overstated!



Tamitha Skov (@TamithaSkov) February 2, 2023

According to NASA, a prominence is a large bright feature extending outward from the Sun's surface.

Many such examples have come to the fore in the past but this one has shocked the scientific community.

Dr. Skov said in a later tweet, "More observations of the #SolarPolarVortex show that it took about 8 hours for the material to circumnavigate the pole at about 60 degrees latitude. This means that the event involved horizontal wind speeds." Estimates have an upper limit of 96 kilometers per second, or 60 miles per second.!" 

Scott McIntosh, a solar physicist at the US National Center for Atmospheric Research who has been observing the Sun for decades, told Space.com that he had never seen such a "vortex", which occurs when a piece of the solar atmosphere bulges out. had broken.

Space scientists are now analyzing the strange phenomenon to gather more information about it and present a clearer picture.

Although our favorite star is monitored round-the-clock, it continues to surprise with several powerful flares this month, which disrupted communications on Earth.

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