Some netizens asked if Lin Chiling (pictured) was the protagonist of Sui Tang's bad neighbor incident, would things develop differently.

(File photo, photo by reporter Pan Shaotang)

[Entertainment Channel/Comprehensive Report] Recently, actress Sonia Sui was accused by neighbors of making noise and was dubbed a "bad neighbor". Regarding this, some netizens asked whether the incident would become a big problem if the protagonist of the incident were replaced by Lin Chiling. Some netizens Comments: "The neighbor turns into a little sheep."

Sui Tang was recently accused by neighbors of making noise.

(File photo, photo by reporter Chen Yikuan)

A netizen posted a post on PTT titled "Would Sui Tang's neighbors complain if she were Lin Chiling?", "Sister Zhiling gives the impression that it's hard to be angry with her. Sui Tang feels a bit hard (referring to her personality) , the appearance is relatively unpleasant when quarreling, which belongs to the temperament of a bad woman in a serial drama.” Even bolder to ask, if Sui Tang was replaced by Zhiling’s sister today, would the neighbors still be so angry?

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Lin Chiling (right) and her husband AKIRA (left) have always given people a very good public image.

(File photo, photo by reporter Chen Yikuan)

Netizens saw the influx of posts and expressed their opinions: "The neighbor will become a gentle little sheep", "Sister Zhiling is very polite to people, she even cares about the paparazzi", "Sister Zhiling is really strong in this regard, So her public image has always been very good." Some netizens also believe that no matter which celebrity this incident happens to, it will be a big deal. Are celebrities more afraid of making things bigger, so they can dig deep in the soft soil." It sparked a discussion.

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