Sui Tang appeared at the film premiere on January 18.

(Photo by reporter Pan Shaotang)

[Entertainment Channel/Comprehensive Report] Recently, Sui Tang was dubbed an "evil neighbor" by her neighbors who broke the news about her evil deeds. After a period of silence, she issued a long post to clarify.

Among them, the neighbor accused that they called the police to check but no one answered the door. Sui Tang said that she did not know that she was in Hualien for the Chinese New Year that day, but the neighbor retaliated when she saw her attend the film premiere that night. The film producer also responded to this.

After the turmoil broke out, the police revealed that in the middle of the night on the 18th of last month, they were reported to visit Sui Tang's home to check, and knocked and rang the doorbell many times, but no one answered.

Sui Tang clarified that the whole family had already gone to Hualien to celebrate the New Year that day, and they also had proof of accommodation. It wasn't that they didn't want to open the door, but they were not at home.

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And the neighbor issued a statement today alleging that "Sui Tang claimed that there was no one at home on the trip to Hualien on January 18, and there was surveillance evidence to support it", "But according to the news on January 18, Sui Tang, the director and other artists attended her The premiere of the new film? Please Sui Tang publish the invoices or receipts of the travel and accommodation, so as to show the public confidence!"

"Fake Reunion" held its premiere on the evening of January 18.

(Photo by reporter Pan Shaotang)

According to the "Sanli News Network" report, the film producer responded, "Of course Sui Tang was present. Dozens of media were present at the scene. The official Facebook page also has photos to prove it. We all had a live broadcast that day." At this point, Sui Tang did attend the film premiere together with other actors. As for the post-event schedule, the PR stated that "The information and questions about filmmakers, guests, and staff outside the event are all in their own private domain, and the distributor has no position." Thank you for your understanding.”

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