[Reporter Xiao Fangqi/Taipei Report] Sui Tang's family moved into their new home in Dazhibaiping, Taipei last year. They accidentally had a dispute with their neighbors over the noise. Tang's response last night was all nonsense.

Regarding Mr. A's statement, Sui Tang said through his agent: "It's like Tang's post yesterday, because this matter has been dealt with through legal channels, and I will no longer respond to it. Thank you for your concern." She does not want to dance with the other party anymore.

Sonia Sui.

(File photo, photo by reporter Chen Yikuan)

In the statement issued by the neighbor, Mr. A, he mentioned that he did not say that he "knows a lot of media" and that he did not "choke the former owner with a hammer". Attending the event of the movie "Reunion Fraud", Sui Tang was asked to show evidence.

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In addition, Mr. A also said that "Sui Tang's statement mentioned that before moving in, he heard from the former owner that the neighbors reported that the sound of the fountain in the community was too noisy." It is also not true that the teacher pointed out and pointed out.

Finally, the neighbor also said that Sui Tang claimed that he communicated in good faith, "Why did the court convene two mediation sessions and did not attend, but instead shirked responsibility?" He pointed out that Sui Tang's statement on Facebook was very different from the facts, and involved abuse of him and Personal attacks by family members have been discussed with lawyers, and aggravated defamation complaints cannot be ruled out.

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