White spots that appear on the tongue.

(Provided by Minsheng Hospital)

[Reporter Xu Lijuan/Kaohsiung Report] In terms of oral health care, oral leukoplakia is the most easily overlooked disease because it does not feel special in the early stage. Dentists remind that oral leukoplakia is closely related to oral cancer, and many patients are If you feel that the mucosal part of the plaque is rough, or even slightly painful, you will go to the doctor, but early detection and treatment can also make you feel more at ease about the disease.

Chen Jingjing, a dentist at Kaohsiung Municipal Minsheng Hospital, pointed out that the cause of oral leukoplakia may be related to smoking, drinking, chewing betel nuts, and chronic stimulation of bad dentures. It will produce white lesions in the mouth that cannot be scraped off, and the color is mainly white. Mainly, some of them will be slightly red or red and white. Because there is no feeling in the early stage, most patients will not care about it. Clinically, after 2 to 4 weeks of follow-up, the plaques of some patients will disappear. If there are no other changes, photodynamic therapy, cryotherapy, and carbon dioxide laser resection can be used, and the symptoms will recover in about 2 to 4 weeks.

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Oral leukoplakia is related to oral cancer. Because there is no special feeling in the early stage, people often ignore it without seeking medical treatment for further examination.

(Provided by Minsheng Hospital)

Chen Jingjing emphasized that if leukoplakia has epithelial abnormalities or verrucous hyperplasia, it is recommended to remove the entire lesion and then perform skin grafting. About 10% of oral leukoplakia may deteriorate into oral cancer in the future. Oral leukoplakia with hyperplasia and abnormal epithelial development is more likely to develop oral cancer in the future. In any case, as long as leukoplakia is found in the oral cavity, you should seek medical attention and return for regular checkups.

Some cases of oral leukoplakia are red and white.

(Provided by Minsheng Hospital)

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  • Oral Cancer

  • oral leukoplakia

  • Verrucous hyperplasia

  • epithelial dysplasia

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