The patient underwent computerized tomography, which showed a 2.83 cm lump in the left breast and enlarged lymph nodes in the left armpit.

(Photographed by reporter Cai Zhangsheng)

[Reporter Cai Zhangsheng/Hsinchu Report] 33-year-old Ms. Zhang found a lump in her left breast 3 months ago, especially before menstruation, but because of her busy work, and the lump feeling sometimes seems to be gone, she didn’t think so. meaning.

However, because the lump seemed to be more and more obvious and hardened recently, I went to the Breast Medical Center of Hsinchu Hospital, National Taiwan University Branch, for medical treatment. After the breast ultrasound, the surgeon told me that the lump might be malignant. The diagnosis of breast cancer was confirmed by photography and further biopsy, and it was found from computerized tomography that there was enlarged lymph node in the left armpit, but fortunately there was no other distant metastasis.

The Department of Medical Oncology arranged for leading chemotherapy and targeted therapy. After 6 treatments, the follow-up ultrasound found that the tumor had almost disappeared. Recently, he was preparing to be admitted to the hospital for breast cancer resection.

Dr. Ming-Han Yang from the Medical Oncology Department of National Taiwan University Branch in Hsinchu said that breast cancer is currently the second leading cause of cancer death among females in Taiwan, and in the age distribution of the disease, patients between the ages of 45 and 65 are the most.

Reports from home and abroad point out that the age of onset of breast cancer in Asian women is on average about 10 years earlier than that of European and American women, and there is a trend of younger breast cancer in recent years.

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Although the National Health Department provides free 2-year mammography screening, it is mainly for women aged 40 to 69 (all women aged 45 to 69 and women with a family history of breast cancer aged 40 to 44).

Risk factors for breast cancer include family history of breast or ovarian cancer, postmenopausal obesity, never having children or having a first child after age 30, high-dose radiation exposure to the chest, early menopause (<12 years), late menopause ( >55 years old), etc., it is very important to remind the public to self-examine the concept of breast lumps or abnormal nipple discharge.

The treatment of breast cancer patients can be divided into surgical resection, leading or adjuvant systemic therapy, including anti-hormonal therapy, targeted therapy, chemotherapy and immunotherapy, adjuvant radiation therapy, etc. Not all patients need to receive all treatments With the advancement of systemic treatment drugs, some breast cancer patients can now receive preoperative systemic treatment including chemotherapy, targeted therapy or immunotherapy before surgery, so as to reduce the size of the tumor as much as possible, so that it can be resected more smoothly, which helps to increase the cost of surgery. Opportunity for breast-conserving surgery and sentinel lymph node sectioning instead of mastectomy and axillary lymphatic drainage.

In addition, it can also predict the effect of the patient's tumor on systemic therapy, and then determine the intensity of postoperative adjuvant therapy.

For example, Ms. Zhang found that the tumor had almost disappeared after receiving the leading chemotherapy and dual-targeted therapy, so she only needed to receive adjuvant targeted and hormonal therapy after the operation, and no other adjuvant chemotherapy was required.

Every medical decision for breast cancer patients is made by an interdisciplinary team of breast surgeons, plastic surgeons, oncologists, radiation oncologists, pharmacists, nutritionists, cancer psychologists, and social workers. Gender, tumor differentiation grade, hormone receptor, HER2 receptor status, discuss the most suitable treatment method, and then share medical and medical decisions with patients and their families, tailor personalized medical treatment, and improve the quality and efficacy of breast cancer care.

The 5-year survival rate of early breast cancer is more than 90%, and that of stage 1 breast cancer is as high as 95%. When you feel an abnormal breast lump, it is normal to worry and fear, but only by seeing a doctor as soon as possible can you avoid missing the golden treatment period.

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  • breast cancer

  • breast lump

  • Surgery

  • systemic therapy

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