According to Chinese medicine practitioners, if you want to eat Lantern Festival healthily, it is recommended to add red beans and longan, which can nourish qi, nourish blood, nourish the heart and calm the nerves; ginger juice can relieve gastric acid reflux caused by sticky glutinous rice balls; schematic diagram.

(picture taken from freepik)

[Health Channel/Comprehensive Report] Today (5th) is the Lantern Festival, and many people will eat glutinous rice balls and celebrate the Lantern Festival.

Wang Dayuan, a Chinese medicine doctor, said that if you want to eat Tangyuan/Yuanxiao healthy, you can add red beans and longan, which can nourish qi, nourish blood, nourish the heart and calm the nerves; ginger juice can relieve gastric acid reflux caused by sticky glutinous rice balls; brown sugar can relieve menstrual discomfort Efficacy; fermented rice can nourish qi and blood; finally, if you are prone to gastroesophageal reflux, it is recommended to eat salty glutinous rice balls, but please pay attention to the fatty meat in the filling, which is easy to cause cardiovascular burden.

Why do you eat "tangyuan" during the winter solstice and "yuanxiao" during the Lantern Festival? The names are different, but the food is the same?

Wang Dayuan pointed out in a Facebook fan page "Yuanqi Traditional Chinese Medicine Physician Wang Dayuan" that Yuanxiao is not the same as glutinous rice balls.

Although both are made of glutinous rice flour, glutinous rice balls are made by "kneading", that is, glutinous rice flour is kneaded with water to form a ball, and then kneaded by hand to form round balls; When the filling is ready, put it into a bamboo sieve with glutinous rice flour and shake it, so that the filling is covered with glutinous rice flour and gradually form round balls.

Please read on...

Longan helps sleep Ginger juice relieves acid reflux

As for the healthiest way to eat Yuanxiao/tangyuan?

Wang Dayuan shared 5 eating methods, which are not only suitable for people with weak constitution and insufficient energy and blood, but also can relieve gastric acid reflux caused by sticky glutinous rice balls, for public reference:

1. Tangyuan with longan and red bean soup base:

It has both taste and health-preserving effects. Red beans are rich in protein, which can nourish qi and blood; longan can nourish the heart and calm the nerves, and help fall asleep. The face becomes rosy, which is suitable for people with weak constitution and insufficient blood.

2. Ginger glutinous rice balls:

Ginger juice can sweat and relieve the surface, warm the middle and stop vomiting, promote metabolism, relieve gastric acid reflux, nausea and abdominal pain caused by sticky glutinous rice balls, people with weak stomach and easy edema can use ginger juice to make glutinous rice balls soup end.

3. Brown sugar glutinous rice balls:

Brown sugar warms and nourishes, has the effects of nourishing qi and nourishing the middle, warming the meridian and dispelling cold, and relieving menstrual discomfort. Compared with ordinary sugar, it contains more minerals and vitamins, especially calcium, potassium, iron, Magnesium and folic acid, etc. Brown sugar glutinous rice balls are suitable for people with menstrual pain and cold limbs.

People with kidney disease should reduce consumption.

4. Jiuniang glutinous rice balls:

Jiuniang is sweet and warm in nature, contains vitamins B1, B2, etc., can promote blood circulation and dissipate stagnation, and nourish qi and blood. Pregnant women can diuretic and reduce swelling, and lactating women can benefit milk. However, if you eat too much, it is easy to gastroesophageal reflux .

5. Salty glutinous rice balls:

the meat is sweet and fragrant, seasoned with chrysanthemum chrysanthemum, shiitake mushrooms, and lean pork meat. It is full of nutrition. If you are prone to gastroesophageal reflux, it is more suitable to eat salty glutinous rice balls, but please pay attention to whether the filling is filled with a lot of fat, which is easy to eat. cause a burden on the cardiovascular system.

Wang Dayuan reminded that although the glutinous rice balls are delicious, 4 sweet glutinous rice balls are equivalent to the calories of a bowl of rice (1 glutinous rice ball is about 60-70 calories), 5 salty glutinous rice balls are equivalent to the calories of a bowl of rice, and red and white glutinous rice balls are equivalent to the calories of a bowl of rice. 20 balls are also equivalent to half a bowl of rice, that is, you need to climb the entire 101 building to consume the calories of eating a bowl of glutinous rice balls.

So after eating Lantern Festival, remember to get up and exercise.

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  • sweet dumpling

  • gastroesophageal reflux

  • Lantern Festival

  • salty glutinous rice balls

  • acid reflux

  • Traditional Chinese Medicine

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