The Moon is in the sign of Cancer and idles from 08:20 to 10:50.

- At this time it is not good to start anything important.

Refrain from making important decisions.

Do not sign contracts, do not make confessions, do not buy important benefits. 

At 10:50 the Moon moves into the sign of Leo.

At this time, people display qualities such as generosity, nobility, cordiality, pride, persistence, courage, strong will, increased self-esteem and self-confidence.

The tendency to ambitious plans increases, a desire for extravagance, extravagance and dominance appears.

Theatrics can be observed in the actions and sometimes a touch of drama is introduced.

The heart and spine are very vulnerable, do not strain.

Suitable for treatment of knees, joint diseases, eye diseases.

Lunar calendar: 14 lunar day lasts until 16:15 on February 4

This period has powerful energy.

A good time for important affairs (to take into account the empty course of the Moon).

The key aspect for this lunar day is work and creation.

Everything that is started now will succeed.

Today one should pay attention to any signals, coincidences, signs.

It is good to start some good works.

It is good to set priorities and direct all forces to the most important and necessary things - both new and already started.

Much of what happens around you can affect your activities.

Even accidentally dropped phrases of your interlocutor and even a complete stranger can play a role in your life. 

Horoscope for February

Next 15 lunar day from 16:15 on February 4 to 17:18 on February 5

A very energetic day.

You definitely get a big boost of energy in your favor.

But in addition to the positive influence, the negative is also activated.

In every person, absolutely all emotions and feelings are awakened.

Everything must be under control and first of all our behavior and our actions.

Sometimes we can't handle this process.

The influence of the day is so strong that everything positive and negative in a person is amplified many times over.

Our inner tempter is activated, so you may encounter seductions and temptations in many areas of life.

We are all now easily susceptible to negative influences and suggestions, laziness can overtake us, we have weakened self-control.

Be careful, in such a state they can easily lie to you, so you should not take any important actions.

There is a tendency to act instinctively and at the first signal.

Due to all this, various frivolous acts may be committed, but their consequences will be negative. 

If you have a cherished dream, direct all your thoughts towards it.

In the astral plane, a new track is being formed for your life.

The main idea is that your desire is sincere and does not harm anyone.

The moon will quickly turn on and will spare no effort to fulfill your dream.

You will change spiritually and physically.

The reason is that your desire is now being planned in the mental future.

Sex on the 15th lunar day should be as energetic, assertive, active as possible, but without excesses.

All kinds of perversions end up with gynecological problems.

Casual intimate relationships are extremely undesirable, as they can bring venereal diseases.

Unfavorable day for haircuts.

You may have health problems.

astro horoscope