The doctor said that the hernia is caused by the abnormal structure of the abdominal wall, and the groin is the most common place for the hernia to occur. It is possible to feel pulling, pain, burning, and other uncomfortable sensations during certain movements; the situation is shown.

(picture taken from freepik)

[Health Channel/Comprehensive Report] As we grow older, the hernia problem becomes more serious. Should we consider surgery?

Urologists pointed out that hernias are caused by abnormal abdominal wall structures, and the treatment is mainly based on surgery, such as traditional hernia surgery and single-port laparoscopic surgery. The former has a larger wound, higher pain, and a longer recovery period, which is more difficult for the patient; The latter has small wounds, low pain, and fast recovery period. It is suitable for patients who care about the appearance of wounds and fast recovery.

Dai Dingen, a urologist at Taipei Medical University Affiliated Hospital, posted on the Facebook page "Dr. Dai Dingen, a warm-blooded man|Taipei Xinyi District Urology Hernia Calculus Prostate Recommendation", pointing out that hernias are most common in children and older men, while coughing, Pay attention to defecating, urinating, standing for a long time, exercising, and groin protrusion.

He said that hernias are caused by abnormalities in the abdominal wall structure, and the groin is the most common place for hernias. It is possible to feel pulling, pain, burning, and other uncomfortable sensations during certain movements.

Please read on...

Dai Dingen pointed out that the treatment of hernia is mainly surgery, and the hernia is pushed back through surgery, and the recurrence rate is usually not too high.

But how to choose the surgical method, the doctor gave a comparison between traditional hernia surgery and single-port laparoscopic surgery for your reference.

Traditional Hernia Surgery

Dai Dingen explained that traditional surgery would directly use a scalpel to cut the epidermis and find the hernia sac for treatment.

The groin was cut open, the hernia pushed back, and the artificial omentum replaced.

Chronic pain is also more likely to occur after surgery, which is more difficult for patients.

The surgical wound is relatively large, about 5-6 cm, and the postoperative pain is high. The recovery period is about 2-3 months. The operation requires general or half-body anesthesia.

single port laparoscopic surgery

Dai Dingen said that laparoscopic surgery is one of the mainstream hernia repair surgeries. He also shared that in outpatient clinics, many patients who care about the beauty of the wound and quick recovery will choose single-port laparoscopic hernia repair surgery, and the wound will be hidden in the navel. barely noticeable.

In addition, the inguinal hernias on both sides can be treated at the same time, so as to avoid the pain of perforated skin and flesh.

The operation is performed from the lower edge of the navel to the outside of the peritoneum, the hernia sac is pulled back and the artificial omentum is added to strengthen the abdominal wall structure.

The surgical wound is about 2 cm, and the pain is relatively low. The repair period is about 2-4 weeks. General anesthesia is required for the operation.

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  • Operation

  • hernia

  • groin

  • urinary system

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