The energy potential of this period is determined by the full

moon in Leo

, which will take place on February 5, 2023.

In the next two weeks, the Moon will move through the following signs of the zodiac:

Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius

, which means that representatives of these signs will get a lucky chance to realize their plans, but will also understand what needs to be finalized for to become a happy and successful person, says

astrologer Marina Skadi (Marina Sokolova)


It is important to remember that the

Black Moon in Leo

received a powerful charge of energy and its negative influence increased significantly.

She will tempt with power, money and many people, indeed, will "give up and not be", will throw all their resources to look good in the eyes of others.

There is a growing need to confirm one's superiority, which is sometimes accompanied by a desire to hear flattery from other people.

For a person with a strong spirit, this is a reason to work on himself, for a weak person - pain and suffering.

And only those who can overcome the influence of the negative karmic point - the Black Moon, that is, get rid of pride, arrogance, star sickness, will be able to receive benefits from the universe.

During the period of the waning Moon (February 6-19), each of us will be able to see more clearly what prevails - selfish desires and self-love or the desire to work with like-minded people and show their strengths for the benefit of the common cause.

Although most often at this time there is competition and the desire to compete, and not the desire to unite.

February 6


the waning Moon in Leo until 23:14, after which it moves to the sign of Virgo

The period of the month without a course is from 16:15 to 23:14

The power of the full moon on February 5 is still very palpable, the most sensitive to the energy of this astrological event: Taurus.

Leos, Scorpios, Aquarius.

On this day, inspiration overflows, but at the same time, people are prone to courage, dispersion of forces and resources.

The day can bring many new interesting opportunities.

February 7 and 8 


the waning Moon in Virgo

Virgos, as well as Taurus and Capricorns, get additional opportunities, the necessary resources to solve the most urgent tasks.

The transit of the Moon in Virgo is favorable for visiting a doctor, cosmetologist or other specialist in order to improve your well-being and solve health-related issues.

February 9


the waning Moon in Virgo until 10:47, after which it moves to the sign of Libra

The period of the month without a course is from 08:39 to 10:47

The morning is always the main part of the day, but on this day it is not very effective, because the Moon is single (no course), which means that you should not plan the most important things for this time.

From the second half of the day, a favorable period begins for representatives of the symbols of the element of Air: Libra, Aquarius.

The next 2-3 days are the most eventful for Libra, mainly a time of positive emotions.

A good time for workers in the beauty industry, creative personalities, diplomats.

The Moon in Libra creates the most suitable atmosphere for conflict resolution.

February 10 and 11 


the waning Moon in Libra

The period of the Moon without a course on February 11 from 18:41 to 20:34, after which it passes into the sign of Scorpio

Despite the fact that the Moon is waning, the days of the transiting Moon in Libra are suitable for applying beauty (visiting a cosmetologist, hairdresser, nail technician), harmonizing relationships.

A favorable period continues for Libra and other signs of the element of Air.

Days of justice, uniting people and moving forward.

Appropriate time for visiting official institutions, resolving legal issues.

February 12 and 13 


the waning Moon in Scorpio

Scorpio is a mystical and mysterious sign, one of the most difficult to understand.

This is the sign of the fall of the Moon, such a transit will affect feelings, inner life, personal relationships and the financial sphere.

Unfortunately, these areas of life are subject to deep transformations and transformations, so the days are very emotional and dramatic.

Those who pass the test will gain special strength.

An unstable and disconcerting period for representatives of the symbols of the Water element: Cancers, Scorpions, Pisces.

February 14 and 15

the waning Moon in Sagittarius

The period of the Moon without a course February 14 from 01:51 to 03:31 is the time of the Moon in Scorpio

After the difficult days of the Moon's transit through Scorpio, there is a holiday, lightness and joy.

Sagittarius will be most lucky in the next 2-3 days, as well as Leos and Aries.

The day of the awakening of male energy, romance and love, there is a strong increase in physical strength.

Favorable time for communication with the opposite sex, creativity, presentation of one's works.

February 16 and 17

the waning Moon in Capricorn from 07:00

The period of the Moon without a course on February 16 from 03:05 to 07:00 is the time of the Moon in Sagittarius

A favorable time begins for Capricorns, first of all, as well as Taurus and Virgo.

If you have a family, long-term relationships, then the next few days are best for strengthening your relationships.

At this time, it is easier to understand yourself, make a plan and decide on further actions.

You can find a way out of a difficult situation, solve work issues.

You should not start any business, because they will develop very slowly and will not bring satisfaction.

February 18 and 19

the waning Moon in Aquarius from 07:35

The period of the Moon without a course on February 18 from 06:17 to 07:35 is the time of the Moon in Capricorn

The time has come for Aquarians, as well as representatives of other signs of the element of Air: Gemini and Libra.

The transit of the Moon in Aquarius is favorable for romantic acquaintances, finding like-minded people, useful trips, and buying computer equipment.

Common ideas, joint work, attendance at training courses help people to get closer and better understand each other.

If you dare to go on vacation, then good memories of the vacation spent with your family are guaranteed.

Interesting and dizzying meetings are possible these days.

Don't miss your chance!

February 19 is the day before the new moon, very responsible.

Therefore, it is necessary to conduct an analysis of the previous lunar month, recognize mistakes, draw correct conclusions, prepare the ground for new beginnings.

It is advisable to clean the house, get rid of dark thoughts and toxic relationships, emotional addictions and bad habits.

On February 20, at 06:55, the transiting Moon enters the sign of Pisces, and at 09:05 - the new moon in this zodiac sign

The period of the month without course from 04:00 to 06:55 is the time of the Moon in Aquarius.

A new lunar cycle begins at 09:05 Kyiv time.

Read also:

  • What the stars predict for us: horoscope for February 2023

  • Love horoscope for February 2023

  • A special time for Aries, Leo and Sagittarius: what awaits these three signs from January to May 2023